This is a power metal composition its kinda alternative also its all in acoustic im gonna record it with all the types of instuments eventually heres the lyrics
Intro Distortion
Intro Chords
Intro NOtes
Verse 1
Warriors on black stallions marching toward the end
fire breathing dragons protecting their nests
theirs that lonely soldier waiting to be killed
but what he found instead was some thign
so precious it made the world spin
so lets go yah
Raging fires from the highest mountains
pouring darkness into the worlds fountains
the end has came to soon
Excalibur has been possessed
Verse 2
that lonely soldier became a mighty king
he ruled the lands before with an iron fist
he then decided to appoint a wizard named Merlin
who sent him on a mighty quest to find a holy grail
that made the world spin
Raging fires from the highest mountains
pouring darkness into the worlds fountains
the end has came to soon
Excalibur has been possessed
Solo should go here when i come up with ti
Raging fires from the highest mountains
pouring darkness into the worlds fountains
the end has came to soon
Excalibur has been possessed
Concluding Verse
Now you've learned what power does
a lonely soldier becomes a mighty king
so don't find the end or you will be brought
to spin the world