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About Jubilee

  • Birthday 09/19/1985

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I master super smash brothers.
  • Location
    PRINCETON, New Jersey
  • Occupation
    I make smart people feel dumb.
  • Interests
    I like to bring down Feminism one concept at a time.

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  1. I'm disappointed. I will kill the Apple and win back my husband Death to Cute girls.
  2. In the first link, I don't believe there is a pedal. My husband (fatkidslikecake) and I play it without a pedal. I believe it's technique. Slap playing with a double harmonics throw in from time to time. It's really a beautiful sound, but it isn't easy to master.
  3. Music is what music does. What does it do? I don't know but I do like it when it does it.
  4. I do suggest a CV if you're not a good writer. If you want you can email me and I can help you write a biography. I understand how you feel about writing in first person. Not everyone is a writer and for a lot of people it is an awkward experience to say "Your name went to blank". It feels phony. You have your own goals for your website and your own purpose and one of those purposes should be to reveal who you are. If writing in first person makes you feel like you are giving more of yourself to your site then that's fine. Correct no one is forced to conform to standards. Often times changing standards is a good way to shock a viewer and gather their attention. If you can do it well, then you should do it. On my personal site I do write in first person and it is my professional homepage. On my site though, I talk about myself without mentioning my achievements and leave the rest for my Resume. My style is to gather attention because of my personality and after they think i'm cute get the kill by my resume. I know my looks play in my favor and I do abuse that. Thinking outside the box is great if you do it well. If you are not a visual or literally creative, it's better to follow the standard format because you only have to focus on getting your information out and for a lot of people that's less stressful. This is just my two cents!
  5. Oct 12 2009 08:29 PM?

    That's a long time. I hope you and Bitterduck are doing well

  6. More music like that please.
  7. I think changing the name is good idea. I don't know a good alternative. I'll throw some words together and see what happens. *starts cutting out words and putting them into a hat...*
  8. I think Compie addressed this issue clearly and said everything I want to say. I just want to add that even if you are brilliant and highly skilled (ignoring the exceptional cases), you won't succeed if you cannot communicate well. If this whole issue is mainly caused by your lack of communication skills, maybe paying attention in high school might behoove you a bit more than you believe. I would also like to warn you that becoming lazy in things that don't interest you or you don't believe is relevant is a dangerous slope. 90% of life consist of things that are not interesting and bore me to tears, but they have to get done! If you want to succeed then you have to try as hard as you can in everything you can. Otherwise, you're just wasting your time. You're already in school, might as well learn something! If it's to easy, nothing stops you from making it difficult! My mama used to tell me that "If you think you're great at something, then you aint really trying that hard."
  9. When something is awesome, I believe it's best to awe in silence.
  10. I agree, having radio heads does make for good composers...or good computers.
  11. Back when I was a music major in college, I used to compose minutes of silence into my music. The idea was that each period of silence got longer until people just assumed it was done. Before the performance, I announced that the audience should leave when they think the piece is over. If they got it correct, they got a coupon for pizza hut. Sadly only two people figured out that when the conductor got off stage, the music was over. So I had silence with a purpose but it wasn't purely musically. I'm not entirely sure if long extended period of silence within a piece of work adds any value. Maybe if someone thought that like 5 minutes of silence will somehow do something in the brain that would make the next section sound brilliant, but I'm not sure. It's art, people do things just because and that's good enough for me. As for your second thingy. I don't know, it doesn't matter. I wouldn't say it was pointless or crap. It served it's purpose and if some composer can find influence from the concept that it sure did have a point! My own personal opinion is complete apathy though. Music is art, and sometimes nothing means more than something.
  12. I'm his wife.
  13. 3) o o o o o o...is that that thingy..um.....umm..what is it called? AHHHH I know it...AHHH transformation... LAPLACE! Is that it? It looks like it.
  14. I don't know, if you want to do it for fun, no one is stopping you from doing it, right? But if you are researching something else and your focus is on x, I think you'll find it hard to justify spending your time on y. BUT!!!!! Every little muffin has its own flavor.
  15. I just want to ask...when did people start feeling colors and why can't I feel them?
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