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well I think what you've laid out in general is unorginal, it just really depends on how you work the characters and particulars.... the actual idea of just taking love and jealousy is pretty basic, I think developing the characters with unique personalities and histories along with making the plot flow in an orginal fashion would be good, however if you plan to plug run of the mill characters and events into this plot and solve for x, you'll have something that everyone else can make.
Well I've returned after my childish arguement to recontribute to this topic..... does anyone really think its ethical in a music sense to be excessively cruel and harsh without some alterior motive, as in being mean when reviewing for the pure joy of seeing the composer become discouraged.... because this is what derek is getting at, cause its called "Discouraging" budding composers, and not called, "Being overly tactful" when reviewing composers that should learn to deal with negative criticsm....... second does anyone really agree getting discouraged over one harsh and cruel review is worth it? I think most people agree part of being a composer is to learn to be kind of tough to criticism and try to derive what help from it they can, and of course to keep at it. So I mean I think this is really simple and there no need to get to involved.... its an issue of balance when the judgement is made, if you feel like you are being to tactiful to help the composer you should be more blunt, however if you feel like you are digging your fangs into the composer too much, let them know they shouldn't quit what they were going for, give them some hope, but still be truthful.... However I think part of making a good judgment is to be perceptive to how the composer is taking it, I mean for some people they can easily take loads of criticism while others have less confidence and esteem in order to take it. Even then I think as a reviewer you should be aware of your personal objective in reviewing a composition, if its to help the composer, help them.... Same with the composer's personal objective..... is it to please every critic or to express something......
personally I believe a person can develop perfect pitch, I personally have never tried, but I mean its completely conceivable and I don't see why a person could not develop it, but I have a feeling it would be analogous to learning a language without any help, just by ear, like a child does, and I have a feeling its extremely tricky because it probably requires a great degree of perceptiveness that most adults are incapable of.... anyways I highly doubt these tapes work, my friend is a jazz musician and tried to get perfect pitch, he worked at it for like a year and a half, and never got it down 100%, but his ability to name absolute pitches got better, and to name relative pitches, however most of his work was done by just trying to be perceptive and listen, not by some miracle tape, hes pretty good at naming pitches too, he can name maybe 5 to 10 pitches right using absolute pitch for every he gets wrong, and I mean absolute as in, play a note before having any reference other than memory possibly.
yeah lol pretty much, but I kinda honestly had fun thinking up comebacks :shifty:
Alright seriously this was all fun, but we should address the topic instead of trade insults now lol.
anyways this is becoming very childish, let me just save the space of the 5000 posts we will make concerning this topic and simply say "I WIN!", points and laughs, *waits for Bitterduck's Revenge to respond with "I WIN +1", hah little does he know that I can say "I WIN + infinity!", that will be fun won't it!!! actually can we please actually be productive and address the topic, arguing like children is fun for a little while, but I am not in the mood to disclipine children and teach them when they are mislead. and I am glad you mentioned the that bit about wisdom, I almost forget the ancient zen saying "When one can't win an argument they go get food"
Well I at least I started to think =), seeing as how you passed over the point I made in disillusion, besides I posted my post in before you told me to start thinking, so nice try with the master thing.
Yes thinking is a waste of time for the less intelligent, instead they spend their time eating food and calling people idiots out of jealousy because they fail to understand obvious facts....
actually I also posted that I was right that I was really thinking and didn't have my head in my donkey because I obviously had to have been thinking in order to be right about you being a jerk, and you posted back you don't deny it.
come on now get your head out of your donkey and start thinking! I just posted the points above :w00t: .
That I was right and you were wrong lol, which I am glad that we are on the same page :w00t: .
In which case I was right about you being a jerk, therefore proving that I was thinking and didn't have my head in my donkey, because I was right, further proving you only meant to say that to piss me off, further proving your a jerk, further proving I was right..... and it keeps continuing in a big circle of logic all pointing to me being right =)
Still I don't think its write to attempt to spot talent early on, this is a difficult matter of judgment, there are many cases were people fail at first, but their talent lies in their motivation to excel, or even the cases were people misjudge their talent, einstien was not a good student, so they misjudged him as being stupid, in fact einstein was a genius, because their error in judgment to see that good student =/= smarts in all cases..... just the same its pretty arrogant to believe you hold all the answers to who has talent and who doesn't, this is still a matter of opinion because talent is not something that is easy to judge, true talent is more seated in potential and will than actually being able to start something off in the lead.
Hmm I find this funny.... because obviously the lights must have been upstairs for me if I can piss you off enough to make you insult me by saying my head is in my donkey! This is actually very exciting...... Well the thing is people present reviews not just for the hell of getting their opinion out there, usually its because of some objective the reviewer has, I mean their is a specific underlying motivation to the person doing the review. Its not like people are just programed to spit out opinions reflexively, and well its not the fact that people are presenting their opinions to the composer, is the fact that the person is presenting their objective to the composer..... in most cases the objective should be to offer advice and help to the composer, and well your not really doing justice to that objective if all you end up accomplishing is destroying the composers motivating, in fact you completely screwed up your objective, because your head is in your donkey and your a horrible reviewer..... and like I believed I mentioned before a review is not always meant to help the composer, but still the objective should be in good will in my opinion, or else I really don't want to hear it.
well I think what derek intends to say is the ultimate goal of the composer is to create the vision they have.... usually a composer comes to just being satisfied with the work they have enough to share it, but they still aren't completely and 100% satisfied to the largest amount with their work. However sometimes composers are simply just satisfied, and well in that case the composer should not take critiscism so seriously because if they've satisfied themselves then thats all that matters, they shouldn't compose in order to please people. Anyways the true negative feeling a composer feels when their work is harshly torn to peices is that maybe to them they were proud and satisfied with their product and their progress, and well they hate to see that work go unnoticed or when their vision is completely missed, I mean harsh criticism is fine to push and motivate the composer to acheive higher standards, but I mean as a reviewer its just down right cruel to rob a composer of the confirmation of the effort and vision they want to achieve and instead make them feel like what they did was nothing.... I mean this is like going up to a person on the street and telling them they are nothing and have no purpose, that they are crap, simply because they haven't mastered certain areas in their life.