But my point is, it's not. I don't use FL Studio and I never use patches without editing them to death. You can say what you want to say but it certainly doesn't sound like taking the easy route and using whatever patch from the first vst synth I load in the host. There's no way in hell I'm using a triangle wave that sounds like a synth clarinet. Look, you may not like something. That's fine. But to even think that I'm being lazy and just taking whatever a synth gives me is not right. I hope I don't sound like a prick, but I do want to challenge your assertion (because you say it a lot, as does Jose) -- that sounds "common" as if somewhere there is a group of people all using the same sound. It's a recognizable sound because a saw waveform sounds distinctly different than, say, a sine or triangle wave. As I said, I built the sound up using three oscillators using a saw wav (what some would call a super saw) and detuning each of them slightly. Anyway, I'm done challenging. I just get riled up sometimes. It's weird, I don't care if someone doesn't like a song -- but if they challenge the time I've invested in designing sounds, then it bothers me. It's my issue. I own it. But I still feel it is important to correct misconceptions. If someone thinks I'm taking shortcuts, that bothers me. I care deeply about sound. At the same time, I wouldn't really care if the sound I'm using sounds like something already used. Sounds are just tools -- like colors. No one says "Geez, I've seen red before". It's the whole thing, the whole package, the sound as an image -- that's what matters to me.