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About Jimmyjuicin

  • Birthday 12/08/1992

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Composer. Lover. Liver. Lover of Composing. Lover of Living. Not a lover of liver though....
  • Location
    Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA
  • Interests
    Playing Trumpet/Piano; writing Music

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Rising Star

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  1. It's music using other music essentially... It's kind of like John Cage saying "okay set three radios to different frequencies: one to 98.6, one to 104.7, and another to 89.3. Whatever comes out is the music." Mine is essentailly "let your ipod choose what song (which I will call a segment) is playing, and let the texters choose when that 'segment' changes." The final product, including ring tones, etc, is the whole piece of music. Does this help explain it at all?
  2. This is my entry for September's competition. I do not currently have a recording of the work, but it's pretty self-explanatory. It's a pretty basic concept: Person starts shuffle on iPod, person texts people, when people text back, person clicks next. I think this piece fits the criteria for the theme of having to be something from our time. They didn't have iPods 100 years ago... let alone twenty! So here it is! I will see about making a recording sometime, and if anyone else wants to go for it, go right ahead :-) Texting Rules All
  3. Does someone (and I will volunteer if no one else wants to do it) want to uptdate that competition results page? It's kind of nice just to have one place with everything all together.
  4. Maybe a few too many fingerings... The only thing I could see as being difficult for a beginner piano student (also assuming no theory or previous instrumental background) would be the 3/4-6/8 switches. As a piece of music, it's simple yet charming. nice use of melodic minor :)
  5. Wow... this is amazing... I can see a little girl walking down the street... it's way too late for her to be outside.. but she's there... it's raining... the music is good. A bit repetitive maybe. but I can forgive that. because.. the extra sounds make this piece excellent. I disagree with xmusicstarx13 on the part dealing with increasing the intensity of the sound effects... but I think that the music itself could have climaxed a little more. I can definately say that the first 3:00 are good.. but my ear gets bored for the last minute. I do think the Bmaj chord towards the end saved it. All in all this is really cool.
  6. A couple questions... Will "musciality as defined by Western culture" count? Say I compose something John Cage-esque... like Now to the normal person's ear this isn't necessarily musical... but it is creative. Or like some of the things he wrote for Radios tuned to certain frequencies. If I wrote something obscure like this would it stand a chance? And.... A score is necessary I'm assuming... But is a recording? Let's say I write a piece for two radios, the "song" simply being the directions "Tune one radio to FM101.1 and the other AM620." Is this acceptable? Just throwing out ideas to make sure I don't put in something so crazy that I get disqualified :santa:
  7. Oh and I just wanted to point out (and I mean this without offense to anyone or anything like that) but i noticed the repetition bit... Polkas tend to be a bit repetetive in general... it's just the nature of that style. At least in my experience it is...
  8. Oh wow! Did not expect that! :phones: yaaaaay! Nice job everyone else too! All of them were great!
  9. Here goes somethin! http://www.youngcomposers.com/pg/Music/Jimmyjuicin/composition?entry=47481
  10. Once upon a time I went to Germany. Then I came back to America to discover that the July monthly competition was to write a piece of music with the theme "celebration." So naturally... upon hearing nothing but polka for the past month, I wrote this. And no it shouldn't be under "Early Music" A mistake on my part :P I was going to give it a title with some meaning... but I got bored by the time I wrote Cele... and thought to my self... RY!!! So here is.... Celery. For two trumpets, two trombones, baritone, and tuba. Celery
  11. Love the very beginning. Cool 5/4 feel... and ironically I use that I vi IV chord progression in B all the time when I improvise on piano. :happy: nice choice! personally, I hear the first beat of measure 30 (key of Ab) as a PICK UP and then beat one actually occuring on beat two... just my opinion. I don't know how you hear it, but that's what my ear tells me. I will jump on the bandwagon and say that m38 gets muddy, and an easy fix is a)bring it up the octave or b) use open instead of closed chords. Really nice ending... aside from the fact that there are some minor fixes, and it is apparent in some transitions that this was loosely put together... but you acknowledge that. All around really nice. .....the 5/4 makes me think of stars... mission accomplished my friend....
  12. This sucks. Congrats! :santa: I've got my work cut out for me to make something more annoying than a monotonous moonlight sonata...
  13. I agree with johnbucket... it does sound like something Christmassy. Very nice... but do you have a score to submit for the competition?
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