One friend of mine always boasted she learned the piano by herself. But, since the age of 5, everything I learned in music came from an instructor. Sometimes I feel split between feeling grateful that someone implanted a respect for music in me that would never come about otherwise, and the fact that, indeed, it never would have come about otherwise because I'm born devoid of natural musicality.... or something.
Anyway, just to substantiate this inner conflict, I even have to wonder: is a teacher so necessary to demonstrate technical skill?
Also, I observe that sometimes people who 'learn by themselves' are actually part of some community where their friends constantly name-drop composers and songs, so they have an access to what sheet music to practice, and how piano works in general. Otherwise a piano teacher is the only way to see into those technicalities.
In addition, as a college student, I feel a little bit reluctant to spend money on an instructor. And my practice is so inconsistent when the semesters begin, and homework piles up, and I have to go across campus to the practice rooms in the music department and so.... perhaps I have to relegate my piano hobby to after I graduate and suffer the prolonged agitation of listening to college peers showing off at the piano because they achieved a higher level during high school (a more routine season of life in my opinion) (I'm such a jealous person).... sigh.
edit: oh uh, this post doesn't really fit in any category. General rant. Sorry... serious composers...