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About Penguin

  • Birthday 07/24/1992

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  • Biography
    I'm a student in England, who loves to compose and play saxophone.
  • Location
    Durham, England
  • Occupation
    Student, but I busk weekly =)
  • Interests
    Alsorts! I'm a pretty eccentric person.

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  1. haha.... yeah, my music teacher likes to bump it up, I swear you should never let a flautist near a mixing desk XD
  2. sending me to sleep it's so relaxing! (almost 1AM here in england T.T) v.nice.... I bet this would sound fantastic live with a bit of reverb..... would have loved a break for a drum solo to spice things up. (same for bass, piano etc.) lovely riff on sax. end would be interesting to play! Very nice sound in general, good mood. p.s. if you ever need anyone to record it I'm sure me and my band could find the time if you send us the music =)
  3. sorry..... here's an easier link to follow... Blue not so Bossa and here's another song for you all: Lily get's enlightened ...... just realised how pinched the horrible recording quality makes all the acoustics sound T.T
  4. My band and I recorded the other day, and this is one of the tracks we came out with :) not much editing, just a little bit of a reverb pedal. started off as blue bossa... then.... well..... ;) the mixing is abit awful, but it's for my a-level performance so the sax had to be turned right up :blush: more to come :thumbsup: *link broken see next post*
  5. Here's the score, with tempo marks and all, just so I could hear what it would sound like performed..... lol @ the messy-ness XD counterpoint experiment.pdf
  6. no certainly not haha, the thing I did was to start with a counterpoint and see where I ended up=D As I said, I ended up writing jazz- part of the fun of trying not to correct, I worte one random passage and it went from there =D You can see the score if you really want to, but It's a bit of a mess TBH :)
  7. something A little bit random: I gave myself 30 minutes to write a counterpoint, and wasn't allowed to correct anything I wrote down, --- so this is what I ended up with (haha, I ended up writing jazz by the end) ! I'd be interested to hear what everyone thinks :) Counterpoint challenge
  8. Haha, oh my gosh I just made my first PDF XD Anyways, sorry for the double post and here's the sheets. :D Feel free to point out any mistakes, which there most likely is. I've checked it through, but only quickly so I've probably missed something :) Notturna per Lui.pdf
  9. Oh, it didn't take long at all, just wrote it all today in about....er..... 3-4 hours? :) Of course, I'll put the score up, just give me till tomorrow becasue I'm soooo sleepy :sleeping: there's some finger twisty moments in it :D
  10. As a gift, I really wanted to compose a simple piece for a special friend of mine. He's just been playing piano a year, so I wanted to write him something not too difficult that he could enjoy and sounded nice. :) So, this is what I've come up with. sorry about the quality of the MP3, the MIDI's just been put through an online converter :D Advice/help/comments appreciated muchly :hearts: .~Nocturne for Him~. xx
  11. Oh, well, I managed to save it as a jpeg if that's any better =) :blush: Please be kind when you look at this, remember this is just notes and I need some advice on where to take my basic ideas :D haha, hope this works.....
  12. So, building up the basic outline on a piano staff then applying different timbres/ thickening the texture? I've only written orchestra works before, never with a solo part, and I'm finding it difficult to get the desired effect. Erm.... I can try =S I'm not sure how. Would a scorch file do?
  13. Thank you for the advice so far guys. abracadabra- yes, I do play violin :D I love it, but saxomophone is my main intrument :) I will post updates as they come to me, there just hasn't been enough time for composition lately XD As another question..... I'm having trouble adding orchestration with out overpowering the solo violin part- any suggestions?
  14. Thank you keerakh kal :) Haha, everybody's nice in Durham, apart from the odd person who shouts something at you, but I can't imagine getting shot :S You're right, the recording quality is horrendous XD I didn't notice the drums, but thanks for pointing it out. A new thread for a new recording? I didn'y know if I would have been allowed, or if I would have got told off or something so I just kept it in here, but it would be cool to put it in a new thread when I do another :D Thank you <3
  15. Can I get involved in this? Erm, well, speaking as a woman I both agree and disagree with many of the things said so far...:whistling: My school music class is male orientated, it has to be said, but actually the most attentive students are the girls. I don't know whether it's the age we're at or what, but the boys seem to not be able to concentrate, whereas the girls will make notes. Music being an art form, I would have thought woman would be more prominent in the field (such as in drama). Many jobs nowadays are dominated by men, in my opinion, because that is the stereotype that people associate with them (Plumbing, for instance) and maybe the same can be said for music? If I was asked to name a famous composer, a woman would not spring to mind, so I think when one chooses a career path that this may have some influence. I personally find compostition one of the most nautral things that comes to me, and I love the idea of creating something by problem solving. Maybe that's just 'cos I'm less of a girl than i thought :D
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