Hay all I am back. It took me a while, but mainly becuase I tried a new type of instrumentation that I am not used to.
1. Techniques used
I used an atonal version. It starts in Ionian and ends in Aolian. Very different.
This is for a Concert Synth Band.
Instrument list::: (when performed live, these instruments will have a specific number.)
3 String Sections.
3 Trem String Sections.
1 Orch Hit
3 Brass Sections.
1 Whistle. (4 whistles will be used in the live performance)
1 Square Lead.
1 New Age
2. How long it took to compose the piece
2 weeks
3. Structure of your piece
ABA Coda
4. Obstacles when composing
It is a new style for me.
5. Summary of overall piece
LISTEN TO IT PLEASE....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1