this is a real dilemma. I have thought about this, and although I am far from a person of knowledge in music history and musicology, here are some thoughts on this:
The increasing movement away from melody might be because of it's enormous order, and in a way taking speech into an art form (melodies= musical sentences).
I was very confident in the notion of music as a way of expressing intense emotions, or a way of dealing with them. Recently, I've had times that i play a single note on the piano, and it seems like too much, like it can't possibly describe what I'm feeling. It sounds synthetic. A supposed synthesis of human thought. Not only that, but also thinking that maybe (god forbid) what I'm feeling is not that important. It's regular.
This is parallel to the thought about all the world suddenly wondering whether life has a meaning. Think about it: music is a planned thing. It basically says that there is meaning in life. If you believe in music, you believe in god (not necessarily religious) in this form or another.
Unless, you devise random music. music of chaos. which is quite hard to listen to, because it basically says that there is no logic to it. It is hard to perceive and live with chaos.
To sum up, in music we search for meaning, therefore a reflection of ourselves that has meaning: helping us finding meaning in ourselves. whether it's deep emotions woken up by music's power, or a meditative order.
and with all this mind turmoil, look at the link bellow with a little smile. the composer in this video, took all this heavy talk with a light head: let's take speech, and harmonize it with cute little chords! :)
have a nice day