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About amrouche

  • Birthday 06/17/1987

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  1. Dude thank you dude "fun to play " you honestly made my day:) thank you M is D i did not know that i ll try to avoid this the next time..but what is the higher note on the violin? thank you zephyr i'm glad that you like it..actually i did not really treid to play some parts up to speed..while writting it i have played the progression a million time so idon't think i'll try to play this piece for a certain time. Thank you Camilla for that tipp..i had no idee how the pizzicato are ordinarly notated in a Violin piece" pizz and then arco " got it..thanks i ll try to change the Bs on the end of the first section like you have said..Thanks Thank you Bolanos for your comment.. i like the guitar part for most of the piece but i'l try to add some variation to guitar part on mesures 20-23 .... no these are not anticipatory figure for the half notes i don't really know waht to call them...maybe the quarter rest are interrupting the melodic flow but i went with my instinct..i did not like it without the rests..here the Entry should be soft and not that loud....it ' like someone sad is talking he is say a word then he stop and then say another.......that what i had in mind . yes you are right i should add.some slur arcs... Thanks so much Siriust i play only the classical guitar..i did not really thought of a Piano ..may be it'd work even better idon't know .. thank you all for your Comments
  2. thank you dude so much for your comment i don't know,i think that the high B at the end gives rather a good ....i don't know what to call it...a good effect!. and you are right about the chord in the 19 mesure.propably the high f schould be omited ithink i schould review the whole piece to check if all the chords are possible!! (i did not try to play the piece with the guitar ..some of the guitar parts i wrote seem pretty hard...!!!!!) yeah i was so happy that i found the perfect chords progression that i did'nt want to miss with it...and add variation to it..next time ill try to do some variation Thank you for taking the time
  3. hay all i'm relatively new here...i play the classical guitar for two years now.. i have no Music theory Knowledge und i'm reading now the "Harmony und voice leading" by Edward Alldwell & Carl Schachter..i'm currently reading unit n'6" the I V V7 chords " i 've writting this piece und i want your opinion please to know whether this piece has any value at all.... a piece for a guitar und a violin as a solo...named "Gedanke" i use "finale" but the programm did not apply all the expression(some ritardo here and there)that i have indicated..so i ll attach the pdf file so you could see the piece with all the expressions.. please note that the violin section in the repeat " around minute 2:00 " should be Pizzicato ..."until moment 2:15" i have never touched a violin in my life but i like the sound of it..i do'nt even know if some of the notes even existe on it! i welcome any criticism but please go easy on me this just my second piece i have ever written..and my knowledge in Music theory sucks..so do not use any heavy musical terms on my..i 'd not anderstand thank you for taking the time in advance.. gedanke1.MID Gedanke1.pdf
  4. thank you all for your replies i have changed the title finally;) sorry for that!
  5. thank you all for your replies i.m in a long trip and i could nt access the internet for 2 weeks i have read all your replies thank you very very much soon ill post my first work i hope that someone .d see it and give me his opinion thanks
  6. thank you all for your replies i'm most thankfull:)
  7. all the things you are thank you for your comment. to meet those really hard to find professionals and even get in touch with them here in syria is just hard if not impossible and if they don't don't know you they just try to put you down But i'll try to find such a person and maybe if i could write something i'd post it here and maybe one of the professional composers here on the forum would tell me how he think.:thumbsup: thanks:)
  8. First let me thank you profusely all for your fast replies ELS you have said :Whether or not you can compose well has a lot to do with your exposure to the classics Recently i'm trying my best to hear as much classical music i can. and you have said:So, if your school has an AP Music Theory course here in syira it's really hard to find formal music-composing teachers JonSlaughter you are the only one who have said that age and desire replace talent and you have emphasize over intelligence and passion and that i have Justin Tokke thank you for taking the time to write this long yet insightfull comment knowledge i don't have it i'll try my best to have it hard work bring it on! passion yes i have that to extrem level and all of you have talked about talent and creativity i don't know if i have them and allways have supposed that i don't have them(actually the whole univers convince you so) and thus my following question how do i know that i have talent or creatvity and i have never recievd a formal music teaching? and thank you very much
  9. Hello all i play the classical guitar for two years now.the classical guitar musis opend my eyes to great world of classical music and i have decided to start learning music composing. in one month i'm going to have my first harmony text book by walter pistion(the most recommended). (and the Edward Aldwell, Carl Schachter book on harmony and maybe Schoenberg's)(and i'm ready to read a thousand book if that what it takes) my question is the ability to compose is it in born? or can'it be developed? or in another way is it a talent either you have or not. or is it like what j.s.Bach have said "I have had to work hard; anyone who works just as hard will get just as far":w00t: sometimes i can come out with a beautiful melody line but i realy don't know what to do with to turn it into a piece pepole how have heard me saying that i want to learn composing act like they have heard..i want to go to mars! :angry: Any Help ?thank you
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