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  • Birthday 05/14/1987

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    Music and Languages

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  1. I find a fundemental difference in the sound of a tennis racket and piano music. Nice try though. Also, why I chose to end it with the "rooster" was because I thought it summed up the song nicely. The whole premise is the tension between the C# minor chord and the A major. The "crow" is an A major chord that ends on C#--so instead of resolving, it leaves the tension in the air, while bringing morning onto the scene and ending the nocturne.
  2. Wow, I didn't know this was going to be such an inflammatory piece. @Qccowboy In directly referencing the most over-played piano sonata known to man and one of the most famous symphonic poems ever written, I wasn't really trying to flaunt my knowledge of the repertoire. And yes, that piano hadn't been tuned in probably seven years. As touching my lack of notation in the sheet music, I wasn't really planning on saving this for posterity--just so that I can remember how to play it later. @Derek I've never heard of that band. Sorry. I was listening to some of Glass' organ works before I wrote this. @Fingernail In writing this, I never claimed techincal prowess in either performance or composition. I just like the way it sounds.
  3. Just kidding. Here it is: http://media.putfile.com/Nocturnal-Night-Nocturne Also, points to whoever can name the two "nocturnal" pieces I quoted in this nocturne. Nocturne_in_C__Minor.MUS
  4. This is my "Nocturnal Night Nocturne," and I drew a lot from Minimalism when I was writing it. It's not a difficult piece to play, and it's not very complicated--its beauty comes out through the interpretation. The recording is different from the MUS. I'm not sure which one I like better.
  5. Yeah, and also the syncopation makes it un-ambient. "Rhynchocephalian" means "like a reptile." A friend of mine gave me a book of weird and wonderful words. "Rhynchocephalian" was one of them. Also, I've taken to giving all my pieces ridiculous titles. That is a ridiculous title. EDIT: For more examples of ridiculous titles, see my "Songs for a Hormonal Teenager" in the Chamber Music forum.
  6. I just put a link. The attachment wouldn't work.
  7. I originally wrote this piece for Harp, but decided it worked better for piano. The performer is a friend of mine from another forum. I got him to do it for two reasons: 1) I don't have the recording software he does, and 2) my favorite thing about composing is when you get to hear someone else's interpretation of your work. I think this piece works best as what Saite called "Furniture Music." It works well in the background. It's ocasionally nice to drop in and listen to a melody line, but it doesn't have a lot of force by itself. Tell me what you think: http://media.putfile.com/Rhynchocephalian-Waltz
  8. Actually, it's just an MP3 from Finale 2005--totally computer generated. Glad you liked it!
  9. This is a piece for a small strings orchestra and flute, oboe, and bassoon soloists. I started writing this when I got fed up with girls and it was originally titled "Chanson de l'amour," which I know is really cheesy. I decided to have fun with it and give it its current title instead. EDIT: Hold on, it's too big. I'm going to have to use evasive action. EDIT: Here we go: http://media.putfile.com/Songs-for-a-Hormonal-Teenager
  10. Here's a Techno Remix of a fugue I have posted in the Piano forum: http://media.putfile.com/Fugue-Techno Of course, comments are welcome and appreciated.
  11. Actually, you'd be totally correct. I didn't know what to do with the momentum.
  12. This is not a traditional fugue, but it does contain fugue-like qualities (modulation and all that good stuff). I wrote the first eight bars a week ago and then wrote the rest yesterday over the course of an hour. I strongly recommend listening to it on speakers that will do the bass line justice. My laptop's speakers make it totally inaudible. I also don't normally write for the piano since I am a mediocre pianist, but for some reason I just felt compelled. Also, this is my first post on this forum. I have to say I've been impressed with you all. http://media.putfile.com/Fugue53
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