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About JDrake

  • Birthday 07/25/1985

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  1. I can't recall who wrote it, but there was this one piece I played that was a Trumpet solo with Piano acc. called Grand Russian Fantasia. I have the .MUS if anyone wants to view the solo portion, but that was definately the hardest piece I have played.
  2. I'm not seeing how you are saying that Crotales sound like a glock... As in those things. I don't recall them EVER sounding like a glock untrained ear or not. My percussion experience was indoor concert style, but I've spent enough time on a marching field to hear them and know how they sound.
  3. Never heard of them. And nothing agitates me more than the sound of the human voice...so other than synthesized halo pads, I'll pass :)
  4. I play just about anything Brass as well as guitar, concert percussion, and piano.
  5. That is a good thing about having a basic understanding about the instruments you write for...which is why the only instruments I write for and don't know how to play is orchestral, and those are always for background :laugh: I can't play the majority of the music I write, but I know how it can be done and I've spent enough time listning to professional recordings and have heard what people who have mastered their craft can do. Your best bet (piano composition wise) is to sit down with your piece and see what kind of hand positions it requires to play your piece and if it is possible at speed. Listen to others and judge by their abilities whether or not something is entirely "impossible" or if it's just an enjoyable challenge.
  6. I think I might be able to help a little bit on this topic. I went from writing classical / symphonic band arrangements to more of a cliche 'rock' fashion for guitar, and all you need to realize is this: it's all the same, only arpeggiated differently. If you know your standard major/minor keys, which if you play piano shouldn't be a problem (first, third, fifth, eigth[octave first]), because it works rather similiar on the guitar. Guitar you have your power chords (first, fifth, eigth) which would be your building block right there, which is a good place to start.
  7. The way I've always gone about it, if I am in the key F minor (as you suggested) and I am on the flat side of the circle, I use flats. Therefore, Gb would be what I would use. When reading music especially on a performance aspect, it is much easier to read a Gb. Just follow the circle of fifths. Even though an F# is a more common way to use that particular note, it just seems more organized.
  8. I've been composing for going on about 7 years now using Finale and in my oppinion I feel that I am starting to finally branch out and really take on my own style. I've never really been too creative when it comes to titles so I normally just stick on a filler until I can get some help with it (unless I wrote the song for a specific occasion or emotion) so obviously...don't expect much from me in that department. Ok, about this particular piece. I started writing this one about a month ago and it took me about 2 weeks to complete. I tried to piece it in as an orchestral piece to form into a more dark jazz "jam session" type thing, which if I continue to post music and take in/dish out help, you will notice I like to do a lot. It continues to build up until it finally reaches more of a rock climax around 1:45 in the song with the guitar solo. I'm aware that some more classical composers find these changeups to be bad technique, but I normally write those little moments in on purpose to take music outside of the technical aspect and back into the art. It stands out to me and gives me cold chills...then again I write for myself and not for an audience. I'm just lucky enough that the majority of the people I do make an audience tends to feel the same way about it :laugh: As I said, I like to think that I have created a rather unique style with my music, sort of a mix between rock and jazz with a classical influence. I would appreciate any variety of comments or critique and trust me; I don't offend easy. Harmony.MID
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