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About GeorgeB

  • Birthday 08/08/1990

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  1. Because you provided a NWC score, I feel compelled to listen to it. I also didn't know anyone else who used NWC until I came here! So, my comments from listening and looking (mainly at the piano part): Nice start. When it speeds up maybe place the accents on the beats/half-beats to give a better feel for the new tempo. Mainly I guess this is a problem with the MIDI nature of it. The clarinet sounds loud at (bar) 28, it sticks our over the orchestra. Is this meant to be so? At around 35 I see what the structure of it is, and how it should work, but I feel as if there is an extra half bar in there, I'm not quite sure how to change this to make it better. Another issue I had was with the two 'transition' bars from orchestra to piano (40, 41) I would personally have the piano taking over straight away at 40. At 51 with eh change in harmony (at last) I think you should add in some more harmonic notes in the orchestra. As it is there is a D augmented sort of chord, with the F# only being played by the viola. I think you should change this chord to a more clearly stated Bb chord or something, it just seems weak at the moment. At first I was confused by the apparent key change to A at around 63, maybe work on this. Having said that, it does consolidate there nicely. I expected the LH to change at 91, it feels as if it should. Nice start to 98. Overall impression? A bit static in its harmonies, but that is the style of piece. I also want to hear it when it's finished. About NWC - it is a bit annoying sometimes, but it's still way better then Sibelius in my opinion! If you get the extra font for it "NWC extra ornaments" then it is even better. George
  2. When I click on the link for the mp3: Invalid Quickkey. This error has been forwarded to MediaFire's development team. Could you please re-host it somewhere! I'll wait for that before looking at the score.
  3. Before you splash out and get some nice hardware, I'd ask if you are sure it's the sound card which is the weakest link - or is the 'tinny' sound caused by your other hardware (e.g. headphones / amp / speakers). You must remember that midi is naturally very tinny unless you stick it through some nice software. I personally have no problem with a 60ms latency, but I wouldn't want to go much higher, and I crank that down for live recording.
  4. Hello all, I just got some nice new free (and legal) 'soundfonts', which are basically advanced samples. Enthused, I whipped up this piece just to check them out, see if they sound remotely like the real instruments when in a group setting. I actually liked what I heard, and played around with them section by section (hence the rather disorganised form and melodies!) I was having too much fun to create a coherent piece, so each 'sectional' bit is rather different from each other, but they hopefully make sense internally. Having said that, I did do this all in one (epic) day of composing, so excuse the unfinished nature and unoriginal ending (does anyone know where I got it from? I'm sure I've heard it before, but I don't know where...... so I'm hoping I'm not plagiarising someone's work [the tutti bit, if anyone cares]) It's not for release into the wild of the internet quite yet, I don't like the last tutti bit, it's far too clich
  5. This is from listening, not looking: Very pretty. If I was going to change everything, I might add in some alternate chords for part of it, the piece has lots of room for this, and I think it could be done and still keep in with the theme and feeling - not that it needs it, the piece is very nice. - I think that that at 3:26, the timp should go down to the A rather than staying on the E - Likewise at 3:47. - The audio is a bit distorted at 3:45 and over that climax. - The violin patch seems a bit 'thin' for my liking, considering it is a solo, especially at 4:28 (even considering that it is meant to be soft). - Also, what is that huge thwack on the timps doing just before the end? It says pp, but sounds like a solid mf or f. That's probably not your fault, but I think it sticks out of a beautiful ending. Very solid work, maybe you could make more use of the brass section (That's probably just my personal opinion creeping in :) ) George
  6. Thanks. So does that mean that you can't do the whole W.I.P thing and get feedback? I guess not. I love the CMC idea, and will hopefully enter (if I have enough time). I'm determined to do it. Ha ha ha! How clever of me! George
  7. How did I find this? The wonders of google, and the term "composers forum", or something similar. The American composers forum was too daunting and not very 'forum' like from the first look, so I looked at the next promising result - this! It looked alive (i.e. recent posts) and supportive - so I signed up. The only thing I don't like is how you have to give telephone/address in the signing up process. Surely it's not needed, and it's easy to lie... George
  8. Very Holst. In fact, a bit too Holst - at 45 sec, you have just taken the Mars theme. likewise at 1:20. It's nice having the change at 1:05. It has a big build up to 1:42, but I don't feel that the orchestration (just the strings and timp) is enough afterwards, it sort of looses momentum - maybe add in some more instruments (percussion?). The ending is a bit too random and out of place for me (2:10) Other things: The bassoon (?) at the start is too loud for it's tone - it sounds like a solo bassoon, yet it is too easily heard over the rest of the orchestra - it doesn't sound as if it is playing loudly. What is playing the bass at 26sec? is it in the range of the instrument, or are my ears deceiving me? (it's hard to tell without a score!) What has the lead at 1:50? it sounds kind of like a horn, but I think it is too mellow for it's volume and the area of the piece that it is playing in. Still, it's a nice piece - possibly too nice, I feel it could do with some more juice and dischords in it. However, it is a WIP, so nice work! George
  9. Where do you actually enter? there isn't a thread in the 'submissions' forum, and you're meant to reply to the post. Do you just email the completed work to Abadoss? Thanks and sorry for my ignorance - but you've got to learn somehow! George
  10. Count me in for the next round! I've been searching for a soundless video to compose for, but there aren't many inspirational ones around which don't already have music. George
  11. So you don't like them so much? Here are some nicer 'recordings' of what they can sound like. But I realise it's almost impossible to satisfy you if you play sax - I know that from my own experience (not on sax though). Round Midnight Moanin' (beginning cadenza doesn't sound so good, it doesn't quite suit the sax, but oh well. I'm a piano player) These samples are hopefully better... I think it would be possible to get them sounding really good if you spent some time (which I didn't :) ) But I'm sure that for some instruments, it's easier just to record someone live than doing it digitally. George
  12. I realise this thread is a bit old, but I thought I'd reply anyway. I have found some good sax samples in the form of soundfonts. See this link for a quick piece I did to show you. Yes I know the trumpet sounds fake, but listen to the SAXES! If you are still interested, I could find the place I got them from (legally and free) and/or give them to you. George
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