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About Flegethonas

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  1. No... computers wouldnot be able to do it... Even if it was nothing more than mathematic equatations... We are the ones who set the limits and the problems, and the computer answers, never thinks of his own... You say to the computer 5 + 5 and it replies 10. That is pure math. Deny it ?!! But the computer will never EVER ask us that, because it cannot think. It can only perform what we program it. It will never create anything! Just do some binary actions. 1 or 0, yes or no. that's it. That way music cannot be 100% created by Computers... Thus Computer's can translate equatations into music. Of course every system could give different answers dependent on it's creator. The computer is just there to do the translation... not to writte the code. And that is what Xenakis and Cage did. But please donot the pitches the tones, the way that are formed are all about math. (remeber the doppler effect and the f = (u + (or - ) u)/ u + (or - ) u ) * f type). Or at least... it can be expressed using math. I still do believe that everything can be express with math. From the ammount and bonds of proteins within our DNA, to the rotation of atoms, and... galaxies. That's the way it works. And Sound, tones, etc........ not an exception.
  2. I thought that math is nature... The only true universal language.... Even the human brain works in a logic mathematic way... Everything from the rotation of the atoms, to the rotation of our milky way galaxy... A mathematical equation can know what causes human emotion very well... Much better than we do! Because, because of that mathematical equatation we can feel. Maybe we should focus on the way "this is made from math" this is not... but why we (and IF) enjoy both.... What if our brain was made this way so that Beethoven's music is "cr*p" to our ears, and pure noise is heaven... As long as something is OK with the "laws of harmony" then it's good... that is my opinion, badly spoken, but I donot seem to be very good with english. I hope you understand
  3. Because War is way cooler End of story!!!! If you notice most songs written during WW2, where about peace or patriotic... encouraging ones... Meaning that people who experienced war, felt a greater urge to glorify Peace instead of battles and bloodshed... We live (not in a peacefull world) peacefull lives, maybe that's because we choose to make music about war. and remember... "In times of peace the warrior attacks his self"
  4. Alright, Download this song... called INFANT SACRIFICES TO BAALBERITH by ANCIENT RITES The name of the Disc is THE DIABOLICAL SERENADES (or the diabolic serenades) (the name of the band is Ancient Rites) the track "infant sacrifices" is the intro of the album... One of my favorite pieces haha... what I call Terrifying :shifty:
  5. Videogame music is awesome, when you are playing a videogame... That's also a fact for movie soundtracks... (except masterpieces like the Star wars soundtrack <-- too KVLT (cult noobs! :) ) and the requiem for a dream's main theme or something) Repeating simple melodies, most times it doesnot even makes sense unless you look at the action... Not so catchy melodies etc... have you played Resident evil ? Do you remember the main theme ? None of you does... because the music isnot catchy in order to let the player focus on action and horror... (that's why only places with riddles had... something more than atonal music and sound effecs). Actions like these are done in purpose. And why should we see such a track next to a symphony ? I am not saying "ban videogame music". But I am also against the "another site for videogame music" idea. Same way we should make another site for Rock music. Another site for Pop music, another site for Gothic Black and Death Metal, grindcore and gore metal heh :blush: Why not add a forum dedicated to misc, compositions like VIDEO GAME MUSIC, and other genres away from the "classic" genre.
  6. I really liked it... It didnot let me stunned, but I really enjoyed it. The beginning reminds me a lot of the music of Requiem for a Dream... heh I like the way the theme changes it. And of course the way the whole "mix" sounds... (for example., how the percussion sounds etc) Anyway awesome work, keep it up!!!
  7. AWESOME PIECE !!! I don't have much time to make a full critic, plus i don't seem to be able to find something that i don't like... (maybe the part near the end... i think that it could be improved...it'snot bad, it just could be better). and the piano part... hmm, if i can guess right... re, fa, la, mi, fa then (one semitone down after four times) and the first melody... re, mi, fa, sol, la, sol - sol#, re, do# or something... dunno, never tried playing it, and my pitch isnot the best in the world :P
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