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LordNemrod last won the day on January 29 2011

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About LordNemrod

  • Birthday 03/04/1988

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    Yerevan, Armenia
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    Software Engineer

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  1. Excellent piece! Don't change a note in it! Its length is perfect!
  2. Don't know about quartertones, but normal harps work like this - they have 7 pedals, one for each C, D, E, F, G, A and B. Each pedal has three positions neutral, 1/2 tone up, and 1/2 tone down. If you can find a way to get your desired scale bu adjusting the 7 pedals, then yes, the harp can glissando it, otherwise it can't. For example. Suppose I want to gliss the chord B-D-E-A-flat. Then I would configure the pedals like this: C - 1/2 tone down D - neutral E - 1/2 tone up F - neutral G - 1/2 tone up A - 1/2 tone down B - neutral Hope this helped
  3. Does one really need 4 guitars here?
  4. Very nice. Reminded me somehow of Borodin's scherzo from his symphony Good job!
  5. Excellent! Wish there was more of Prokofiev than Debussy though Bravo!
  6. I like the idea of this piece very much! There were some very interesting harmonic progressions. The overall flow was very calming. However I feel that somehow this was semi-improvised. I mean, if you decide to review this piece, spend a lot more time on it, so that it becomes something where EVERY note has a well-defined purpose, it'll be much much better. But that's just a personal opinion. The piece is nice as it is too . Good job
  7. LordNemrod


    Love it! Would make an excellent soundtrack! Bravo.
  8. First of all, welcome to YC Now. about your piece. Melody: What I really like in it is that you have a pretty good ability to write MELODY. This is something many people do lack, but your melodic line is really good. Texture/figuration: As PranoidFreak pointed out, the left hand is pretty tiring for the ear, and you should definitely refactor it. Harmony: You have good sense of harmonic progressions, but one thing you should not forget is that along with main chords there are inverses! My ear longed for inverses throughout the piece. For example, in bar 6 and/or bar 8, I wanted to hear an E-flat in bass. Really, if you enrich your whole piece with a lot of inverses, it will be much MUCH better. Form: If I say that this isn't a sonata form, you'll probably point me the two main subjects the development section, the reprise,etc., and will disagree with me. But remember that the form not only means placement of themes/sections in time, but also the placement of climaxes. In sonata form. I can't say why exactly, but this didn't seem a sonata for me. This is really more a prelude. Never mind though Voice-Leading (or whatever the English term is ) : You have qiute a few (hidden) parallel octaves and fifths in your piece. With richer texture, this don't matter, but taking the tempo and the thin texture into account, these really punch me in the ear. Examples include bar 26-27 (Dflat-C) 27 (e-natural - g), bar 75-76 C-D and many others, Consider working them around Beginning: I don't really see the purpose of the first two bars. Consider either removing them or changing them. Ending: The B-natural in the one-but last measure does very bad things.for me. It seems really artificial. Just have a G with lengh 1/8 or do something else. The B-natural doesn't belong there I don't want you to get the impression that all my review is critique, no, it is not. I just pointed out some of the bad things (in fact I may well be wrong,cause I don't have musical education). But the piece overall is very promising. Looking forward to listen to the reviewed version! That'll be my two cents
  9. Very nice, you kept my attention to the end. The form is very good. I might be wrong, but I think an awful lot of ideas in this sonata have been influenced by Mozart's C Major Sonata The overall texture is quite diverse, so it's interesting. Try experimenting with richer harmonies, you can do it without going out of classical style. Good job!
  10. No, Actually I don't like this at all. Hate me as much as you can, but this is exactly how I play appasionata when I'm drunk ))))
  11. Beethoven all over I like this. For an improvisation this is really good!
  12. I have no words.... Just standing ovation. You are a professional. If I ever need someone to compose music for my game, you're my man! Bravo!
  13. Wow... really, WOW! I liked this very very much. Especially your harmonic language. Very interesting harmonies and progressions.The form was ideal too. Development superb. So, 10/10 from me. The only critique I might have is that personally for me the ending didn't work quite well... I can't say what exactly, but I expected something else... Listening to your piece for the 3rd time now... awesome work
  14. Nice and beautiful. Both the idea and its implementation are applause worthy Bravo!
  15. Extremely enjoyable. It sounds very Eastern-European/Jewish. I just wanna dance to it! Bars 45-49 - bravo, inventive
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