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About Shadow

  • Birthday 08/08/1988

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    Music, ninja, figure skating, card games, and other niknaks.

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  1. I agree with Mike.
  2. Mozart Concerto for Clarinets. That is for my college aditions in the coming year. :happy:
  3. I know it sounds better than mine. :ninja:
  4. Acorden, violin that is all I can think of. Parden my spelling. :ninja:
  5. If it is a project that you prsent in front of your class mates. :w00t:
  6. Were is the best place for you? :innocent:
  7. It is a nice peice of music. If you want to score it them have people tell you what instrument they play, I play Bb Clarinet. Each peice has its own way to say it is done so just listen to your heart. :) :)
  8. They are fun to play but I don't think their color is were for some of the music they are changing. :D
  9. I will help in any way posible if you need it. :D Good luck. :D
  10. Can a young piano player learn this peace with ez? :)
  11. I will go to it someday when the internet will let me. :glare:
  12. Even thoue I can't listen to it I think it will sound realy good. :thumbsup: :ninja:
  13. Does anyone know how to compos for A, Eb and C clarinet? :ninja:
  14. I like the skin, but I think any of the colors will do. So my vote is any color. :innocent: :wacko:
  15. :quote:Did you need help with music, or a lyric? Let us know.:quote: I need help with the music part. The lyrics are the end of the music. Thanks for the spelling erorr. :happy:
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