Heres my story. I have a few solo piano pieces, im guessing new age style. I never have time to sit down and write anymore. I get ideas, put them on my keyboard to record and thats about it. They are far from perfect in timing, definitely can use some changes or maybe just some fine tuning. I work alot, wish I didnt have to but right now its what I must do. So i am looking for someone that I can send the music to, they can listen to it, learn it, help improve it and then record it, basically we go back and forth with ideas until we get something that works. I need someone who doesnt necessarily have alot of time because i do understand we all need to work and time is limited, but someone who is willing to work on this with me and then we both together can make something of it. Anything at all, who knows what can happen. I just dont want to put things off anymore. I have been told my music is very good.
I will not of course send any music to anyone without us signing some sort of legal agreement giving me full rights to the music as they are still my ideas. We will come up with something in the agreement to be partners. We can work out the details. I do not mind sharing anything that ever comes of this if it does, i just wont send out anything without protecting myself. I would assume anyone would do this as well.
Basically thats what I am looking for.
if youre still interested, email me at We can exchange ideas to get started and make something work.