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Arkadiusz Reikowski

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About Arkadiusz Reikowski

  • Birthday 05/23/1983

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  1. Now this is great! A briliant classical feeling, and great harmony and writing skills. I really can't find any bad sides of this piece. Maybe you could add there more recognizables melodies, themes. Sometimes it feels there's too much of them in one piece, but on the other hand It just makes a great atmosphere here. Great.
  2. All right, so I moved it to a new topic. This pieice is mostly orchestral, with some ethnic elements such as japanese flute - Shakuchachi (which I love). Originally it lasts only 25 seconds, becouse it was made for a trailer of some polish film studio. I have decided to extend it a little and here it is. I also want to add some ethnic voices there, would be nice to have someone who can sing smth like that. I'm looking forward to hear you impressions and suggestions. Here's a download link: Free File Hosting and Image Hosting up to 50MB - YourFileLink.com You can find it also on my site, and thanks for signing in Michael! :)
  3. I can't see anything..
  4. Hey, I've posted my piece there too:)
  5. I've added a full version of "Intense" to my site, and here's a download link if you'd like: Free File Hosting and Image Hosting up to 50MB - YourFileLink.com It's very orchestral, with choir and a little bit of japanese flute, shakuchachi (which I love).
  6. You really need to watch out for the harmony, but overall I like it! It's got some nice atmosphere, I would like to hear it with real instruments.
  7. Thank You, I'm glad to hear that you like my works! As for the libraries, I use many different sound banks, sometimes real instruments but mostly (for orchestral pieces) East West Symphonic Orchestra Gold Edition (with Pro XP). Thanks again..
  8. Hello All again, I'm back after a long time absence :cool: I would like to invite you to my new site Arkadiusz-Reikowski.com , and to review some of my new pieces like Vampire - Part One. It's made for a piano, strings and some etnic drums, and I hope You'll like it:) And feel free to sign in my guest book, I would be honored.
  9. Here`s another link: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/songInfo.cfm?bandID=360842&songID=4453257
  10. Here`s a piece which I wrote with a little bit action - feeling, it`s not yet finished, written for full orchestra. Next part will be faster and more intense. Please take o listen:) http://www.soundclick.com/bands/songInfo.cfm?bandID=360842&songID=4372481
  11. Very nice composition, very saga- like indeed. No downs, I like it very much.
  12. Update of the first post, flute (by the way, actually it`s western flute:) ) is now louder and more front of the stage, corrected some of the bass and strings mix also.
  13. I`ll think about it, You`re right about the strings, I`ve got problem to make them soft and quite from the begining but I`m working on it.. Thanks for suggestions, I`ll keep them in mind.
  14. Hello everybody.. I`ve not been here a while, but I`m back:rolleyes: Here`s my new piece, made for my portfolio, it`s full orchestra, a little bit oriental - african theme.. Any suggestions would be very usefull, thank You! http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=172223
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