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About werothegreat

  • Birthday 12/12/1989

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  1. Thank you. I was going for a sort of "off in the distance" feel for the opening.
  2. Thank you all for your comments and critiques. As soon as I get the time, I will start retooling.
  3. Thank you for your criticisms. Layout: 1,2,3: Fair play. The first movement is not in score order because when I switched the oboe to the top, Finale didn't keep the rest in orchestral order, and by the time I noticed it was too late to change it. I will also make sure to put "stagger breathe" above the contrabassoon part in the beginning. I had also meant to mark out how many instruments play where, but I guess I had forgotten. As for difficulties getting instruments - that's the conductor's job, not mine. 4: For the most part the tuba is fine, though I must admit at measure 84 it is far too high - I will change that. 5: I am not overly familiar with the capabilities of the horn. That will be changed as well. Musically: 1: Is this a problem? 2: Point well taken. Will fix that. 3: I like having harmony in the strings. Again, is there a problem with having the strings divided too often? 4: I like to think of it more as tonal mixtures and filling in. 5: In my experience, the oboe can be quite piercing. Which register in particular were you referring to? Which measures? You really must be a critic to find it dull. Almost every other person I've had listen to it (and I've had quite a few listen to it) has enjoyed it, and not found it dull at all. They may not know the difference between dorian or mixolydian modes, but they do like my music. Again, thank you for your critique. It's good to have a healthy dose of reality once in a while.
  4. I know it's not the most patriotic sounding music, but I named it so I could enter it into a competition - the theme was "My Favorite Place." Cheesy, I know. But, that's it's name, so patriotic it is. Whatever. Michael McClellan - Paen to America sheet music - 8notes.com Finale 2004a - [paen.pdf
  5. This is intended for a professional oboe player - it uses the entirety of the oboe range, from the low Bb, up to the second Ab above the staff. It is written in part as a tone poem. The first movement establishes the tone, proudly proclaiming Atlantis. The second movement is more pastoral, though it is interrupted by the catastrophic flood. The third movement is the aftermath, pierced by delusional nostalgia, and finally a sense of moving on. Please keep in mind that the MIDI recordings are not the best - at the end of the third movement, it kind of skips a little bit, but for the most part it's a fair recording. Michael McClellan - Atlantean Rhapsody - Oboe Concerto - I:Allegro, Poco Presto, Presto sheet music - 8notes.com Michael McClellan - Atlantean Rhapsody - Oboe Concerto - II:Adagio, Allegro con brio sheet music - 8notes.com Michael McClellan - Atlantean Rhaspody - Oboe Concerto - III: Lento, Agitato, Lento, Molto Agitato, Lento sheet music - 8notes.com Scores: http://www.8notes.com/members/5521.asp?ftype=pdf http://www.8notes.com/members/5522.asp?ftype=pdf http://www.8notes.com/members/5523.asp?ftype=pdf
  6. The name is changed. It is now Nightmare in G Minor. I thought it was too dark to call it "Fantasy".
  7. Hmm... I understand where you're coming from... I'm trying to come up with some suitable name for it... maybe Sonnet in G Minor or something flippant like that...
  8. Hi, I'm Mike, I'm fairly new here. I have several pieces up on 8notes, but this site appears to get a lot more traffic. Now, I know that this piece is technically not a fugue. I titled it "fugue" because I was going for the feel of Bach's Fugue in D Minor, and not because it follows the fugue form exactly. I'd post the sheet music, but I'm not quite sure how to do that. Here's a couple links to where you can listen to the mp3: Michael McClellan - Nightmare in G Minor sheet music - 8notes.com And yes, this is a MIDI recording. If anyone would like to play and record it live, I would be very happy to send them the music. *No longer called "Fugue" in G Minor - now called Nightmare in G Minor. Finale 2004a - [fugue.pdf
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