You were inspired by the Avatar OST for this maybe?
It sounds a lot like it.
I think it's got great instrumental dynamics, the writing and orchestration is great.
Although I feel like one thing is missing, namely a main theme. Something memorable that sort of identifies the movie or piece itself as that unique piece.
In Avatar Horner had a good main theme that he used all over the place, making the different moods and scenes instantly recognizable.
Right now it feels like you have a solid foundation with great orchestration, but I think it would be elevated even more with a more "in your face" theme.
Otherwise, it works fine on its own and could be used for such a scene that you describe, but I agree with Marius that it's not 100% realistic, but then what is?
I don't think I've ever even heard anything that is. But even so, maybe work on the volume, it's a tad low in my opinion.
I really think it was enjoyable though.. These are just my 2 cents.