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  • Birthday 06/07/1981

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  1. A sort of medley of piano ideas.. To dream away to :)Comments appreciated. Piano Dreams 1
  2. Hey John. I like the sound of the piano a lot, and it fits the scene you posted. But for some reason the composition and notes sort of feel a bit uneasy for me. Maybe I'm more of a traditional harmony kind of guy. I like several short moments in there, but then suddenly you have outbursts of seemingly dissonant notes that for me at least lowers the emotional impact. But then again, if it was too clean that would most likely be boring. Right now I feel it has a kind of quirky modern feel, which works in the context of a movie, but it's not something I would listen to for pure melody and emotional response. Hope that makes sense, and good luck scoring the movie, sounds like fun.
  3. You were inspired by the Avatar OST for this maybe? It sounds a lot like it. I think it's got great instrumental dynamics, the writing and orchestration is great. Although I feel like one thing is missing, namely a main theme. Something memorable that sort of identifies the movie or piece itself as that unique piece. In Avatar Horner had a good main theme that he used all over the place, making the different moods and scenes instantly recognizable. Right now it feels like you have a solid foundation with great orchestration, but I think it would be elevated even more with a more "in your face" theme. Otherwise, it works fine on its own and could be used for such a scene that you describe, but I agree with Marius that it's not 100% realistic, but then what is? I don't think I've ever even heard anything that is. But even so, maybe work on the volume, it's a tad low in my opinion. I really think it was enjoyable though.. These are just my 2 cents.
  4. coax


    Thanks John! I'll definitely work on those short strings. I was unsure of the name to begin with, and Fanfare might not be the exact right name. At least someone else said so too. As for electronic and orchestral music music, I have always had a fondness for the orchestra and its sound / capabilities. But I also enjoy a great deal of electronic music, so in this day and age with all the tools a home musician has I see no reason not to experiment with as much as possible. It's really the golden age of computer music if you ask me, everything is amazing right now in terms of capacity of software. Anyway, I better get on listening to some of the other submissions on the forum. Thanks!
  5. Just a fanfare type thing. Fanfare
  6. I like the theme a lot and actually the oboe takes me back to the 80s or 90s and intro tv shows. I don't think it sounds bad at all it works in the context of the song.
  7. Soudns great man. The ending was brilliant and perfect. I'm sorry I'm a bit useless and don't really have any complaints. Although I do agree with an earlier poster that there are some James Bond'ish changes in there, nothing wrong with that! No rules!
  8. Generally I like it, but I reckon you should maybe be a little more daring in your composition. Add some surprising changes in chords for instance. Sometimes I felt I had heard it before. Whether you want it to be more dramatic is up to you, but IMO sad + dramatic is great.
  9. Thanks for the replies everyone sorry I didn't check in earlier. Times are busy. That said, I agree with all your points and I might add another section instead of repeating on the last portion. As for creating my own style, that's something I want to do, but as you may know, is very hard to do also. So much music has been written for the orchestra, it's hard not to duplicate something at some point. I guess it lies more in the presentation rather than the actual musical content, say the sound of the orchestra and the arrangement, and that's something I'm always working on experimenting with.
  10. Our hero stalks the city taking care of scum.. Darkman FIghts
  11. I like the flute section in the stronger part a lot. I think though it needs to be fleshed out more, create a more coherent narrative, and sort of have a beginning, middle and end type thing. Also, it's a bit loud and I think I hear some distortion on the louder parts. All in all though, nice orchestration and some nice melodic ideas.
  12. Marius, the only thing I would note, and it's prevalent in all your work, is that your instrumentation is very intimate and close. That's pretty original and not usual for most movie scores where they lie generally more in the background. I'm not sure I like it or not, I mean it doesn't ruin the pieces or anything, it's just unusual. Btw, Nice to see you have a soundcloud account. I followed you there so maeks it easy for me to hear new things. If you want check out my other tunes there, they are not orchestral though.
  13. I agree with Marius pretty much. I like the choral work here. SOme more width, depth and realism and you got a decent piece. Personally, I don't think the melodics are all that new or enthralling, maybe work on making the theme a bit more memorable would do it? You have some nice ideas in there but it never really struck me as something I would remember for very long. But you know, creating a good melody is extremely hard and takes years to master properly. So dont give up and keep on creating!
  14. Thanks guys. About the theme.. I'm not sure a big chord oriented theme would fit here tbh, I think it works better as a sort of bouncy more abstract piece like now. I'm going to work on giving it some desner orchestration though, and fix up the timpani a bit (NOT a loop, hand programmed roll :P)
  15. Very nice tension around 1 minute. Awesome melody on the strings after that too.. Nice buildup. The drums could use some work, but that's it.
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