Well I agree with both of you and I think this piece should have been in the experimental section cuz honestly, that's what it was. I didn't randomly pick 7/4 and I have played in it before but it did get weird in some parts. I admit this piece is confusing, but I wouldn't (and I'm not saying you did) say all that stuff on one piece that I wrote because it was very diiferent from what I usually do. I really wasn't into this as much as I was with other songs but I don't know, I thouhgt it could go somewhere but it didn't. I think a player would be interested to play a piece like this, even though it is hard but its very different. I think it would be a fun to play around song not a performance song. I hope I didn't come off as this is my style because it's not I just want to tell you.
N.S. Canzano you have reviewed some of my other songs, your right I do have to study up because I feel like a new comer (and I am) surrounded by a bunch of people who are proffessional. All I want is for music to be music, not too technical, because if it was then it wouldn't be enjoyable to me as much as it used to be. I mean it's good that my music is getting out ther and being critiqued, as long as it doesn't ruin the fact that it is music and just music. This piece didn't really have much inspiration or much soul so it was ok that you guys really drove it into the ground.