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About Jupiter41

  • Birthday 05/09/1983

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  2. a manly mans ballet...much better than even his "le sacre" MOVING TO INCREDIBLE DEPTHS.
  3. please point out said parralell octaves by measue number. Repeated notes?...which ones are you speaking of?......
  4. The only thing that would qualify them as better than me is if they can compose great music!
  5. If youre going to improvise it might be wiser to do something in the tempo range of Allegro...if your going to insist on a slow movement its gotta POP...while its somewhat nice it fails to POP... good though!
  6. Please dont use my thread to promote your own works mr sockpuppet...thats MOST distasteful...
  7. Well i may have my mind strictly in the tonal world...but if it werent for the tonal world there would not be an (UGH) atonal one. It worked quite well for hundreds of years so....... All the worlds greatest pieces are tonal-the ratio of great works in tonality to those that aren't is EXACTLY 99.999% to .0001 %. And i have taught viola...it was a requirement of the Arts high school i graduated from.
  8. send me 600 dollars for said"Proper copy of finale" and i'll send you a song worth as much. Stop the insults please...if youd be so MOLTO GENIROSO... SERIOUSLY.
  9. Ive played viola in some of the FINEST orchestras in SAn FRANCISCO... What ensembles have you played with....please tell... Your fantasia for flute harp and viola is proof to me that you dont know a THING when it comes to modulations...What the hell is the DIRECTION of that piece? And its key...if youd be so kind...isssss?...
  10. Corbin You dont know who youre talking to;i play all three instrument for which this piece is written. Can i hear some of your pieces;please?...perhaps then i'd learn about direction?...
  11. Thank you for the compliment! Unfortunately i cant afford the whole version of Finale...so i wrote as much as i could! And the piece does need a little revision...its in its infancy right now. For instance i'm going to add an ADAGIO introduction when i get around to it!...
  12. Please enjoy listening to this as much as i did writing it. Piano Trio in G major.MUS
  13. The art of the fugue;in both listening to it AND composing one;is a dying art form...this is EXTREMELY horrifying to me and also unfortunate;i fear for the history of western music insuch a way because of it;in fact. IT IS AN UNREPUDIATED FACT THAT IT TAKES GENIUS TO WRITE A FUGUE IN TERMS OF FOLLOWING THE STRICT RULES OF COUNTERPOINT;FINDING A PROPER SUBJECT;AND MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL;MAKING THE WHOLE THING GO SMOOTHLY;IT MUST SEEM EFFORTLESSLY EXECUTED WHEN;IN FACT;MUSICAL MATHEMATICS OF EINSTEINIAN COMPLEXETY ARE BEING EMPLOYED. In this regard i know EXACTLY what i'm talking about...I compose organ music for a living...its in fact my sole means of support...and it has taken me LITERALLY 8 years of intense study to be able to compose fugues that last AT THE MOST (currently) three minutes in length. If one can achieve this art...all the other composers who exist IN THE WORLD should bow before him and kiss his feet if he deems them worthy! I'm not alone in this belief;several organists and composers of INCREDIBLE stature that i work with everyday have ALL agreed on this fact! I cant begin to know wher to start in terms of guidance...i learned from Bachs organ fugues and also his well tempered clavier books one and two and through trial and error. While i'd like to say you can learn throughthese methods ALONE id be lying...fugal writing is in ones BLOOD and by the grace of god my fugues are performed regularly;and are my greatest achievements. heres a few tips; Learn bachs organ works in and out; Its vital that you have at least a smidge of perfect pitch; Study the rules of counterpoint by Fuchs; KNOW BY HEART EACH KEY IN TONALITY;FROM C MAJOR TO C # MAJOR AND F MAJOR TO C-FLAT MAJOR;PLUS THE RELATIVE MINOR IN EACH. never give up at it! Your piece show an interest but a lack of all of the technical skills required...this is not to say you should give up! Keep working at it;try to limit the fugues at first to 3 voices-then as you get better you can write for as many as 8 as Bach did! Good luck! R.W.M.
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