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Young Prodigy

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  1. I composed an Orchestral-ish battle theme and I'm looking for critique on it. Listen to it here: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=1127019&songID=9994714 battle themewip2.mp3
  2. Thanks for the critique. Any tips on how I can make my melodies more memorable?
  3. I liked it, keep it up.
  4. I've been working on this song for a couple days and I'm looking for critique. I'd best describe as music you might here as the opening to an anime or something. It's not complete, but yeah. http://midishrine.com/midi/38980.mid scratchvolumes.mid
  5. Here's a piece I composed the other day, that I'm looking for critique and suggestions on. It's called Funky Island, it's a mix between funk and island music. Unfortunately, I only have a midi right now for you guys to critique. But yeah, tear it apart :). You can download the midi here... http://midishrine.com/midi/38765.mid
  6. Okay, let me explain. When I'm alone just chilling by myself, music inspiration comes easy. Like I can think of a ton of different jams and all that type of stuff and it's easy to get inspired. However, once I get in the program and all of that stuff, I use Anvil Studio myself, I just can't get inspired. For some reason the musical inspiration I get when I'm alone doesn't come when I'm finally in the program. I think another thing might be is that once I get an idea I'm too lazy to actually transpose all the parts and crap to midi.
  7. This is pretty good. I did start a pretty good MP3 of it, but unfortunately just from the midi I wasn't able to transcribe the lead guitar part. But I might try again when my internet is back up.
  8. Critique would be good, seriously, give me your worst. SoundClick artist: Mike 2008 - page with MP3 music downloads
  9. SoundClick artist: Mike 2008 - page with MP3 music downloads
  10. Upping this, still need critique. I'll add a score later.
  11. I wrote a classical orchestral piece called "Life is too short". I need critique on what's done so far. SoundClick artist: Mike 2008 - page with MP3 music downloads
  12. Don't know what I was really thinking with this one. If anything, it's just a practice piece. But yeah, if I had to describe it, I'd say it's kind of Halloween like by kind of rock like at the same time. And please, if you view the topic, you might as well critique the piece rather than be one of those people who looks at topics and says nothing. Here's the piece... SoundClick artist: Mike 2008 - page with MP3 music downloads
  13. I'm gonna try and audition for Sax in jazz band and I'm wondering about this. Basically, how can you guys tell between a saxophone player who's really good and someone who needs work or just plain sucks? I'd like to know this. Like is it the tone? The technique? The range? I'd really like to know.
  14. I started an orchestral piece called the voyage and I need critique on it. thevoyage.mid
  15. Thanks I'm reading that article right now. But I can't help but wonder... could it be the way I'm blowing into the mouth piece that's stop me from being good? I've noticed most other trumpet players put there lips on the mouthpiece differently and I'm mostly likely not doing it right. All I know is right now, I have trouble even holding a middle C(Which means I can just barely do a low concert Bb scale). But yeah, I'm going to try the things you guys have mentioned. EDIT: Read the thing, really helping me improve overall fast. Followed his advice about playing low notes loud and soft notes quieter and now I can hit middle C's like nothing. One question though, how do you make sure that after practicing and hitting all the whole notes and getting the better tone, that next time you pick up the trumpet your tone won't go back to sucking and NOT being able to hit those notes?
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