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About stockhausen

  • Birthday 09/08/1982

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  1. Yes, it is a very worthwhile investment. It has helped me a ton. In regards of the price, I bought my copy from half.com. I got the second edition for around $30.00 including shipping. The second edition is no different from the third edition. It also did not come with anything. Only the book, but my composition teacher burned me a copy of the disk.
  2. @Nirvana: i am a spook, having returned to play tuba, write music, and eat cheetos. BOO! @blm When are you gonna post the PDFs?
  3. Awesome. I can't wait to see it. It will be nice to see some atonal duets for tuba. I am looking for some new tuba music. :thumbsup:
  4. I would recommend learning all the clefs. The Baritone is a middle ground instrument. Many times a piece will have only a t.c. baritone part, or just a b.c. bari part. But then sometimes you will run into the C clef. As for tuba parts, they are not transposed. It is the Tuba it self that may be in another key(BBb, CC, F, Eb, Bb).
  5. When it comes to writing for strings, I was told to always make it multiples of two, like Justin said. But your the composer. If you want to write for 123 strings, then do it.:P
  6. Someone I sent this to also commented on the "sonata" thing. They said it was more of a Sonatina. I am looking into rewriting it for four hands. I think I may take a repeat or two out as well. Again thanks for the comments :thumbsup:.
  7. hey, thanks for the comments edgar. I very much appreciate them. Do you think that slowing it down would help? I thought that in some sections it seemed a little to quick. Maybe swaping out the 32nd triplets would help? I will look into rewriting it like you said as well. It never occured to me to do so. Anymore comment / critiques are welcome. :thumbsup:
  8. This was written by me. I am not even sure if I would call this a piano sonata. But I am happy with it. This was my first piece written in the program Sibelius. It is just over 10 minutes in length. Also, it should be noted that I am not a pianist. I am a Tubist. So I am not quite sure it would be possible to play on the piano. So if someone who IS a pianist could say "yea or nay" if it is possible. So I hope you like. Thanks for listening. Any comment / critiques will be welcome. Sonata_e_flat_major_Op_1.mid Sonata_e_flat_major_Op_1.pdf
  9. I mentioned a while back about Google Book Search Just put in yourquery and click "full preview." from there you can download books till your hearts content. :thumbsup:
  10. I have quite a bit of sheet music on Google Book Search Just do a search, then choose "full view" ta-da...free sheet music.
  11. Funniest guy i have ever seen. I saw him on our local Public TV channel, and I have never laughed so much.
  12. When it comes to knowing the language, it is not quite a dead language. In all the world probably 1000 people speak it, BUT I do know a few who do speak it. They have also said they would help me with that part. I myself do know a few phrases. I myself have heard the legend told in the language, and it very much added to the legend. But anyways, it seems to me that it just something I will really have to think about and work out the details first.
  13. Ok, so here's the low down. I have never written a opera. I have decided to write one. I have a few good ideas, but the one I keep coming to is a local area legend. The advice I need is what language do you think it should it be in. This legend is a very old Native American legend, and it could be kinda cool in their language...BUT, if I were to do it in that language, it would probably never be performed, as the language is all but dead. If I were to do it in english, I think it would sound kind of funny. Thought it might be kinda funny to do a native american legend in german.
  14. I love to write music (as do most of you guys, I'm sure...thats why we are here right?). But, the one thing I know I do not do enough of, is analysis. I think that this is a must do for any composer, but I just do not seem to do this enough. I was wondering what everyone thinks are some great works that SHOULD be analyzed.
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