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About reyeahman920

  • Birthday 09/20/1993

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  1. Jason I have been a fan of your work for a long time, but this was not my favorite. The orchestration seemed constantly too thick, and it was hard to tell what was going on. Of course this was just a first impression and could have been the ensemble or the recording or whatever, but it was hard to pick out any individual voices in the orchestra and I think it loses something that was great in your other works for smaller ensembles. But anyways congrats on getting an orchestra like this to play your work.
  2. Also, pressing Y while selecting a measure will automatically move the green bar over the measure
  3. I just heard a work by Terry Riley called Assassin Reverie performed by the ARTE quartet and it was absolutely amazing. Its for sax quartet and electronics and I think its one of the only pieces of music that affected my physically as well as emotionally Its starts out as sort of a jazz influenced saxaphone work, but then it introduces the electronics, and it just gets freaky. It uses some really terrifying sounds combined with screaming saxaphones and whenever I listen to it i find myself so tense thats its hard to move around afterwards:P. There are lots of other works I think that try to achieve this affect but this piece does it more convincingly than any other. Has anybody else heard this piece and did it affect you that much? And if you haven't heard it I definitely recommend getting the album by the ARTE quartet. Its definently an experience
  4. Hey I really enjoyed these Im no expert on improv but these sounded great
  5. Haha ya I always use the NBC theme to find major sixths!
  6. Do you play piano? If so I've heard thats its almost easier to apply with an instrument and then to switch to composition later. I dunno I'm not in college yet but thats what I've heard
  7. Yes I have been working on trying to add more direction to my pieces a lot lately. Especially in these pieces, which are all monothematic, I can understand what you mean by then not going anywhere. Although I had hoped the contrasts between the movements would make up for the lack of contrasts within the moments. This is very valid critique though and something Im trying to work on for my current pieces. By the way here another version of the second movemnet which I think should be easier to play Concertinto for Clarinet and Strings II.mid Concertinto for Clarinet and Strings II.pdf
  8. Thanks for the comments everyone. I don't play any string instruments so sometimes writing for them is hard. I have a new score for the second movment though that I think will make it easier to play. I also have a performance coming up in a couple months that I'm pretty exicted about. I'll post the recording when I get it. Concertinto for Clarinet and Strings II.mid Concertinto for Clarinet and Strings II.pdf
  9. Thanks a lot hugo Which places in particular are very difficult for the strings? I don't want me piece to be impossible to play because then no one would play it. I could probably recompose it to make it easier
  10. Hello all. This is a piece I've been working on for a while that showcases the clarinet along with a string quintet. Its in three movements. The first is a playful and innocent dance like movement. The second is a slower movement that uses held notes by the strings to emulate the sustain pedal on a piano. The third is a fast and mean movement that uses a childhood taunt (nanananan you can't catch me) as a main theme. The three movements are very different stylistically. Which is semi-intentional. My biggest worry about the piece is that the movements don't have enough in common with each other. I apologize and apologize for the crappy midi, it never plays any of the dynamics right. I'd love to answer and questions or comments. Concertino for Clarinet and Strings I.mid Concertinto for Clarinet and Strings II.mid Concertinto for Clarinet and Strings III.mid Concertino for Clarinet and Strings I.pdf Concertinto for Clarinet and Strings II.pdf Concertinto for Clarinet and Strings III.pdf
  11. I said impressionism even though I love contemporary and 20th century music two. But the things I most like about those two are things that impressionism focuses on, interesting new sounds and cool harmonies
  12. I really enjoyed this piece. I think it will sound really good with a live pianist so they can add some rubato to those runs. Great job
  13. Here are some of my favorites... Lovange
  14. M is D: Thanks for the advice. I am actually a pianist and find writing for strings kind of uncomfortable. When I have that motif with a single note then the two notes in fifths above it, would it be more idiomatic to write the double stop on the first note instead of the second? And I dont really understand what you mean by the slur thing. Whenver I slur two equal notes, it usually is a tie and I just write is that way to make it easier to read. And if your talking about measure 9, what I wrote there isn't meant to be a bowing, but a slurr and the violinist can bow it however is easiest to them.
  15. I liked this piece. Personally it doesn't get anything emotional out of me, but it deffinently is very interesting. The dissonances and the interplay between the two instruments. I can't really think of any criticism...You have the flute in the same register for the whole piece and the clarinet below it so maybe you could mix that up a little bit, but I don't know what you're planning for the rest of the movements.
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