Hello everyone! First post! yay me!
Anyway, there's a lot of riff-raff about what perfect pitch is and what it isn't and if we're born with it blah blah blah. And so I would just like to clear some things up. You can believe me if you want, that's up to you.
1. No one is born with perfect pitch.
Just as how in kindergarten we learn what Red, Yellow, and Blue is, and distinguish the differences between them, we too must learn perfect pitch (or absolute pitch) from ground zero. Some people just develop it at a very early age, and this is normal. But saying that people are "born" with perfect pitch is as ridiculous as saying that choice few are born already knowing what the color wheel is. Perfect Pitch is also a human ability. It is something that is built in in all of us, it is not a genetic trait or defect.
2. Perfect Pitch is NOT a hindrance. I personally developed perfect pitch with the Burge Supercourse and I tell you now, if an entire orchestra is toned down, I'll just know it's toned down, it won't drive me crazy or up the wall. It won't annoy me, or bother me, or cause me to throw up and pass out or any other nonsense. I'll simply go like, huh, that's a different pitch. If you have a friend that has perfect pitch and says they can't stand to listen to some music because it is not in tune then they're most likely lying to show off. Either that, or it's a personal preference, but it is not the actual perfect pitch that is making them suffer. Absolute pitch just clears up what you hear. Remember it's a HUMAN ability. That means that once you develop perfect pitch it won't turn your ear into a robot and all of a sudden anything that isn't a Studio Standard of 440hz will drive you crazy.
3. Perfect pitch is Tone Color recognition. Basically how you can visually see red and yellow and how they differ in hue, the same applies to music except in tone. Now this doesn't mean we associate colors to sound, not at all. Tone color is different than visual color. How sharp or dull, how twangy or mellow, how this and the other, how you describe the sound of each separate pitch is the tone color. And each pitch has a its own tone color. Thats how perfect pitch works, it's basically opening your ear up to pick up these delicate differences, you fine tune your ear to perceive these tone colors. Now the myth is that once you have perfect pitch that you sing EXACTLY or hear EXACTLY what the pitch is. This is simply not true. In colors, red, for example has different shades, light to dark, either way we can still tell it's red. The standard red could be compared to C5. A darker red to C4 and a lighter red to C6. Perfect pitch doesn't mean you will be able to distinguish a tone down to the exact semitone/cent remember, it's a human ability, no one is EXACT. If they claim to be, don't believe them.
A lot of people with perfect pitch claim a lot of things just to get attention and show off. My friend being one of them, said he was born with it. Once I developed it, his ego got a well deserved slap in the face.
As for the CDs, I would say buy them, try them, there's a money back guarantee. I recommend David's collection, just because he's not so serious as the other ones. I like him. :D
Trust me. It's worth it. The urban legends, don't listen to those, just find out for yourself what is true and what isn't.
- Danny-O