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David J. Bailey

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About David J. Bailey

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  1. I think what he means is: "This piece was a nice and enjoyable composition. Although it was lacking in construction/direction in some areas, it serves its purpose well - creating an easy listening Sky/Ending piece that will certainly be appreciated in most any game. I enjoyed it" - but then maybe thats just me [literally?]
  2. :laugh: Wow, thanks guys - I'm glad you appreciate the music for this game. Eventually I'm going to get around to posting screens/concept art to show you in more detail what this game is about exactly.
  3. The first one reminds me of a song I just wrote called "Catcher" [/shameless self plug *look in signature* - but really, it does...and our first name's the same - kind of freaky if you ask me]. I guess its a sign of how cliche we're both being *cough**whine* - but I shouldn't say that - i think "classic" is the better word here...I liked it - really - although it seemed to go in random "directions" if that makes sense - like...it started off as a really happy sort of two faced maybe...not too amusement park-ish - but it got into that. Eventually it started getting progressively darker - I really didn't feel an organized style of communication here though - it didn't really have an ending either...Although, yeah I picked up the "evil amusement park" or rather the "Evil Merry-Go-Round". I sort of assumed that you can't have an evil haunted amusement park unless it's abandoned so...I picked up that too apparently... The mp3s are taking a little while - listen to them a bit l8ter...
  4. I actually really like this stuff - we need more orchestral game music that sounds, well...game-music-y [if that makes sense - which I know it does not]. I like your distinct familiar style - it's very clean - during game play it wont detract too much attention away from the playing experience - I really enjoyed listening.
  5. Well...I'M impressed. Major works songs are sooo loong though - it takes me forever to make one 2 minute 40 second song - I'm not sure how you guys do it (I guess with practice...) - but yes, I liked it a lot - and you should too. It's a great piece. It's very emotional - there's a lot of movement. It feels contemporary yet it doesn't stray from a distinct classical sort of personality. I can't say anything bad about it (I don't think I'm quite qualifies in that area for that) - however, the only thing I can say that I didn't like was that it pretty much sounded like every other emotion/adventure song I've ever heard - but you pulled it off superbly - and that still takes considerable skill. Double thumbs at 12 'oclock 4 U.
  6. Reminds me of Greece - I love it. It's so cheesy (I hope that was what you were going for...???)... I guess I don't know what else to say - I think you did a very good job on the entire composition - everything works together - the ideas progressed nicely and so was the development of the song. Only the ending felt kind of random to me - maybe thats just me going crazy. Anyway, really nice stuff - I want to hear more from you.
  7. Cut most of the other junk out of the title *cough* The boss theme to the same stage - rough piano render - the notes are really supposed to represent quick strings so it might sound a bit funny. Anyway, here it is: Boss Theme
  8. I don't want to sound like an donkey (I'm pretty new here - well, at least post-wise) but...this thread has received about 47 views - and out of those 47 views only one person has really responded to this song [not that I don't appreciate that]... It's great that you're listening and all...but it doesn't do me much good unless you tell me what you think - thats all I'm asking. I say this because I know people are here - they've responded to several of the other surrounding threads around here - however, they've virtually ignored this one as if it had teeth. Maybe there's just nothing to say :happy:
  9. Sonar 6 - the crappiest addition to the Sonar series + Goldwave.
  10. I wish I could say what hasn't already been said but...midi plsthnks. I like the title "Tell 'em, Tell' 'em" - it sounds like a fun song.
  11. I actually recently got in a bit of an argument with someone on MSN messenger about knowing how to write music. I think it was at the Newgrounds - he called me up and told me about a person that he called out on the forums there - whom he believed actually stole music from someone else and put it in his profile. His sole reasons for his accusations were that t music in his profile was simply "too good" for someone who didn't know how to "write or read" music - or even know any of the terminology (as he recently made public). With computers, honestly (especially with sequencers like Sonar) you don't need to know how to actually "write" music or any of the terminology associated in order to make something. Furthermore, I also believe that knowing notation, terminology or etc etc doesn't make you a better artist than those that don't. It helps yes, but I really think it's kind of ignorant assuming that in order to be good you HAVE to etc etc - Imagination is the heart and soul of music composition. If you don't have that then it doesn't matter how many music notation classes you take. Personally, I don't know how to write on paper yet but I'm still learning.
  12. Bob Taylon - actually there used to be a rhythm being used throughout the song in the rough-draft midi version. I got rid of them on account that I wasn't quite sure what instruments to use for that rhythm later on. The snare is a good idea *scribbles onto notebook paper*
  13. Well...not dark as in "Evil" - just dark as in...dark. It's a dark forest. There's a forbidden meadow stage but that's a bit different. It's kind of carnivally because of some of the "enemies" there. Thanks for the comments.
  14. Well, it's got to stay relatively jazzy throughout the entire soundtrack : . Thanks for the comments, I'm glad you like it.
  15. I don't use finale (or whatever programs use .mus files) so if you could post a midi version for me please - I could listen to it then.
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