I actually recently got in a bit of an argument with someone on MSN messenger about knowing how to write music.
I think it was at the Newgrounds - he called me up and told me about a person that he called out on the forums there - whom he believed actually stole music from someone else and put it in his profile. His sole reasons for his accusations were that t music in his profile was simply "too good" for someone who didn't know how to "write or read" music - or even know any of the terminology (as he recently made public).
With computers, honestly (especially with sequencers like Sonar) you don't need to know how to actually "write" music or any of the terminology associated in order to make something. Furthermore, I also believe that knowing notation, terminology or etc etc doesn't make you a better artist than those that don't. It helps yes, but I really think it's kind of ignorant assuming that in order to be good you HAVE to etc etc -
Imagination is the heart and soul of music composition. If you don't have that then it doesn't matter how many music notation classes you take. Personally, I don't know how to write on paper yet but I'm still learning.