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  1. Lyrics Sorry; one thing I forgot to include. :D
  2. This is an arrangement of The Bonny Earl o' Moray I'm doing for a choir I run. I'm not entirely happy with a couple of the phrases, but considering the oddness of bits of the melody I did the best I could. The composer of the original ballad is unknown, and I can't find the author of the lyrics, which is a shame, because it's quite the fantastic bit poetry. The ballad itself is based on a true event; the murder of James Stewart, Earl of Moray, by the Earl of Huntly. It is also, interestingly enough, where the term mondegreen came from, arising from the fourth line of the song's first verse "And laid him on the green" - quite often misheard as "And Lady Mondegreen". Anyway, this is bog standard SATB. I've not really gone for anything really outlandish, since it's folk music, and to go a bit Skriabin on it wouldn't be fair to the genre. :P MIDI is attached; MP3 here. Bonny Earl O' Moray-2007-07-17T0004BST.mid
  3. This belongs in Writers' Block... Could someone move it, please? :D Sorry...
  4. 'Lo. Ver' long time no post. This is a WIP I've been working on over the weekend. It's quite Einaudish. There's some real crud in the section after the repeat where it modulates to minor key, and it ends very abruptly on account of it being, y'know, a work in progress. So, yeah... Thoughts? Suggestions? Brutal damnations on account of atrocities in the name of music? Ben. Linky (.mp3)
  5. This is a slightly updated version and a Sibelius score. I found a couple of extra places where a suspension doesn't destroy the piece, so I stuck them in. :wacko: Hymn-20061122T0146Z.sib Hymn-20061122T0146Z.mid
  6. *chuckles* You using Harmony Assistant to do the vocals? If so, if I can find it, I have a reasonably good voice for Latin which would make the vocals much clearer and more accurate, although interms of the actual pronunciation itself, it's not bad. The piece itself is fantastic, however. ;) This is exactly the sort of style for which I was aiming and missing with a lot of my soundtrack music, heh.
  7. Hehe, I much prefer the modern stuff, but this isn't bad. It would benefit muchly from a decent recording, but you need to finish it before you think about that. ;) This does put me in mind of things like the intro sequences to a lot of older Anime, though, so you're definitely on the right tracks! :)
  8. Ello, This is a bog-standard choral hymn styled piece which my flatmate and I are writing for the choir we run. She's writing the lyrics, and I'm writing the music. She's not given me the lyrics yet, and I can't remember any of them, so I'll post them up once she wakes up (it's 05:18 here! ;)). This is written for a normal SATB choir, and was composed, for once, by playing the parts on a piano, rather than inputting the note directly into Sibelius as I normally do (yes, go on; you may hiss). There's not really much you can do in a piece like this in terms of ornamentation and fiddlybits, and I think I've gotten most of the decent suspensions in there, but if I've missed any obvious ones it'd be appreciated if they were pointed out, heh. So, yeah; see attached. Ben. Hymn.mid
  9. Hmm, at 2:09 I was trying to switch to an unrelated key and failed, hehehe. I'm sort of normalifying it a bit right now, but it's hard to come up with something different to the rest that doesn't sound crap. 0:19/3:33 is one of my favourite chords in the entire piece. :/ I think it adds a bit of character to the first and last verses (they're exactly the same).
  10. This is an arrangement of Scarborough Fair I've done for the choir I run, and I'm posting it here for a few opinions on how it looks so far. The descant parts need some work, I know, but the basic idea is there. This was basically a case of "how many different ways can I harmonise a I IV V melody", heh. My favourite verse is the third verse, which starts on chord IV. The pseudo-polyphonic bit on the fourth verse doesn't quite work, yet, so I'm wondering if any of you are willing to suggest a few changes to make it sound a bit nicer, and the same for the descants. I've run it through Harmony Assistant as well to get a pseudo-sung OGG (not MP3) version which makes it sound a bit less Carousel Music, heh. Scarborough Fair [3:39] Scarborough_Fair_2.mid
  11. You like your French Overtures, don't you. :) *is impressed* The vocals sound a little bit synthetic, heh. I thought they were synthesised at first.
  12. Can we have a MIDI file please? Or a Finale file compatible with earlier versions? :whistling:
  13. They both make me want to give it up forever... ><
  14. Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous! You sir a top man. :D
  15. I quite like this, it's much better than 99.9% of my attempts in a similar direction, and I worked on a proper game soundtrack! :P My favourite bit is probably the section that begins at 0:32; it's the cross-rhythms. :D This is the sort of piece that needs the touch of EDIROL or Synful Orchestra.
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