It seems that there are not very many composers around here who venture into the world of field shows. The top 3 in this competition will have their selections put into the planning for several of 2009's field bands. If selected for any of the actual shows, the winner will have full recognition at the competitions, and recieve one DVD recording of the band at the final competition.
1. The selection may be an opener, ballad, or closer.
2. The selection will use full marching band instrumentation, with AT LEAST the specified number of instrument parts. Feel free to add more if you so desire.
2 Clarinets
2 Alto, 1 Tenor, and 1 Bari Sax
2 Mellophones (French Horn)
2 trumpets
2 Trombones
1 Baritone
1 Tuba
5-line on-field basses
3. The selection will be at least 2:30 in length.
4. The selection may be an arrangement or original composition.
5. There is no guideline on the content of the selection. If you want to arrange "Mary Had A Little Lamb" for marching band, go for it. One of the coolest pieces I ever heard was a marching arrangement of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".
6. Email finished products to
7. Deadline for completed works is December 15.
8. Go.
*If you need examples, Look for "September", "What the World Needs Now", and "Hip to be Square" in the jazz forum and the incomplete works forum.*