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About 1NoobMunkey

  • Birthday 04/04/1994

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  1. My favourite major key: D major My favourite minor key: G minor I have no idea why, but my instincts told me those 2 answers. =)
  2. I haven't heard anything similar to this so far, but I think you are having a good start. I think this piece is quite interesting, but I don't really see something that is actually happening...maybe because this is just the beginning of the piece, and it is still in its works, but if you can add more "movement" to it, that might make the music sound a lot more interesting. 1NoobMunkey PS: I'm not sure what i wrote made sense or not, because I don't make any sense.
  3. thx guys (thats what i mean by contructive criticism) =D i dont think i will work on this piece until next week, since ill be pretty busy with all my stuff to do at school. =S
  4. Yay!! I started a new piece again! And I noticed that my style is quite extreme. So... TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT IT! =D 1NoobMunkey =) World of My Own.mid World of My Own.mus
  5. thx for the coment qmwne, im thinking if i should take away the alberti bass and make it chords and stuff...
  6. Here is my newest piece that i started 5 minutes ago, and apparently chodel thinks that i might need a new title. Any ideas or contructive criticism will be greatly appreciated. The Dream of Doom.mus The Dream of Doom.mid
  7. Wow Ferkun, I really like your style, it is very unique. It may sound like random notes to some, but I really enjoy your music. Out of the 3 miniatures that i heard just from here, they are all strange/weird/COOL!, but yet, they all differ from each other. Munkey =)
  8. LOL its so interesting looking at the war between chodel and qmwne. =) Anyways, even though I havent actually composed a good complete piece, i always start by having the melody, then add the bass, then fill in the gaps in the middle, i always find that the easist to do. If you dont have perfect pitch (im not gonna use the term absolute pitch because some ppl believe that ONLY mozart has absolute pitch, i dont wanna start a spaz war), maybe you should use music notation softwares on the computer, as they actually play the notes out for you to listen. Im not sure if that helped you, cauz i dont make much sense. Munkey
  9. yeah, this technique is quite difficult, i knew a person who could do this though
  10. Oh yay i got it on midi now, i shall now post the midi file and outgrow my noobness! oh chodelkovzart, ur just weird. LOL Random #2.mid
  11. well fine, ill post a midi file any ideas guys? any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated! =D Munkey
  12. Piano is a very great instrument, and im glad to hear that more and more people are starting to play it (even though it is already a very popular instrument). I've played piano for 8 years, and I got to ABRSM 8/RCM 10 and started to work on my piano diploma. How I started, was to get a proper teacher, and basically worked with the techniques first, and then around 6 months later, i started to play real pieces. At first, the pieces might sound boring, but when you eventually become more experienced, then pieces become more challenging, and also, "sounds better". When you get to a decent grade level, then you will actually enjoy piano very much, and almost become addicted to it. Have fun! =) 1NoobMunkey
  13. YAY i finally got it to work! The file link was weird, i had to move the entired folder to somewhere else. But now its fixed! :) 1NoobMunkey (Andy) Random #2.mus
  14. oh, jenny. anyways guys, i worked on it, and i added a bit of bass. But it isnt sounding great, i would post it, but its getting late and i need to go now, sorry guys. i will post the new one up asap (tomorrow) THIS IS SO WEIRD, NORMALLY I COULD SEE MY MUSIC IN THAT FOLDER, BUT WHEN IM ON THIS WEBSITE, MY MUSIC DOESNT APPEAR. GRR... *explodes*:angry: Ok maybe ill send my music to chodelkovzart and she can post it up asap...
  15. Wow it is very interesting to see all these posts and getting to know each person a little better at a time. I haven't composed a lot of music, since im still an amateur composer, but i have a few random stuff from everywhere and stuff... =/
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