Correct? Maybe. Coherent and readable? Definitely not. You've got mixed voices, 3000 ledger lines, overlapping ties and slurs in different voices, and 2 quarter note rests and a half note rest in measure 4. Wouldn't the effect you are trying to get be better notated by a chord with a fall / gliss / whatever the crap it is called for pianos?
Other gripes: you have a rehearsal mark at measure 2. WHY? After that, you have rehearsal marks that are 2 measures away from each other. WHY? You have 2 Trumpet I staves and only 1 horn part. WHY? The whole notation is so sloppy, it's almost impossible to read. WHY? You have no articulations in the winds parts - only percussion. WHY? DON'T WINDS DESERVE ARTICULATIONS TOO?
Now, let's move on to the music itself. It doesn't make sense. There are no interesting harmonic progressions, the key changes don't make sense, etc.
Arghh... I'm done. I admire your passion and drive. I admire the time you put into this. And, I am no expert. However ... My suggestions:
1) Keep writing as you grow, learn, mature, etc.
2) Learn
3) Mature
4) Grow
5) Study scores from the masters past and present
6) Get a background in music theory and practice. There are many things to be learned from both the writing and performance of music
My 2 cents.