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magyari last won the day on September 10 2013

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About magyari

  • Birthday 05/16/1992

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Budapest, Hungary
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    philosophies, programming
  • Favorite Composers
    Penderecki, Lutosławski, Ligeti, John Adams
  • My Compositional Styles
    modernism, minimalism, romanticism
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
  • Instruments Played
    cello, piano, kantele, kalimba, conducting

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  1. Next week I will upload something for you guys :)
  2. The looping and the effects are two independent things. For example I can loop something with big echo, then it starts to repeat it, and I can change the echo effect to distortion or anything else, and record something with that, while the previous recording remains. Also note, that I can 'overdub' the first recording on the same track, or I can record it to the 2nd one, which can be synchronized with the first, or can be completely independent. Everything works on the electric cello, which the normal cello has, so pizzicato works. Maybe I can record some examples with the effects later, that's a good idea :) Also I will make some pictures about the equipment, and show how it really works, because it may be useful for you.
  3. Hey all again! I haven't been here for a long time... :) I have a new competition idea for you, but not sure, if anybody would be interested.. At least maybe I start your brain for today :D In February, I bought my electric cello (yamaha svc-110). I use it mainly in my rock band, and some jazzy stuff, but now I decided to write a piece for electric cello and tape. I would like to write it and perform it during the winter. Of course that wouldn't be the only piece, what I would play on that concert, and that's why I'm writing to you, guys! So if you really feel like you want to write a work for electric cello, please go for it! It's a beautiful instrument, with a very cello-like sound, but with so many possibilities. About the instrument I think I need to write some details about the instrument. Using an electric cello without anything else would be quite boring and stupid, so I have 2 pedal systems: Line 6 POD HD500 is my effect processor, and BOSS GT-100 is my loop station. With the effect processor, I can have plenty of effects like delay, distortion, reverb, transposing, filters, phaser etc etc etc... so what electric guitars have. You can connect 8 effects, so you can have delay and distortion in the same time. I can attach a pedal touching for each effect, so I can turn them on and off individually. It can have stereo sounding too, so you can make different effects on each side. I know that this is not enough information, but if you're interested, you can check the electric guitar effects on the internet, and you will find a lot. You can use them. Or for example you can say in the score that "I would like to have here a mysterious sound" or "Please add here a strange effect, what makes the audience wake up". So trust me, I can help, you just need to make a good question :) The Boss pedal is a loop station, so I can record there (to 3 separated tracks - we can synchronize them, but that's not a must, they can have independent tempo, timing), and it repeats as long as I want. You can delete the whole track, or you can stop them, fading out, or immediately. Also there is a "stop/start everything" pedal, which is very nice - an immediate silence is always a nice thing. It has some effects too, but very bad ones, I don't use them. About the pedals (mainly the Line 6 one) you need to know, that pushing a pedal has a noise, so count with that. (on the recording you won't here, but life it can be audible in the first 3-4 rows. You can compose it in the work, if you want! :) The cello itself is really like a normal acoustic cello, just it doesn't have the body, and works with battery. :D About the works I would like to play With the loop station, it's quite easy to write and play 'popish' music. You can also write some meditation music, with the loop station, sustained notes repeated, for example. Check youtube for some ideas, if you don't know, how looping works, there are many videos. Of course I would be very happy to play some contemporary classical music on the electric cello, and that would be the main aim. I would prefer a work for solo electric cello, or cello with recorded accompaniment, as I don't really have an other musician, to play together with... :/ It may be possible, that I can record the accompaniment, if you want to use the Steve Reich technique. The most important thing: the work should be for electric cello. You can rewrite your solo acoustic cello works if you want, but changing the title is not enough for me. I would like to see some effects, new ideas, creative things. One other, but very important thing: I'm still not a professional cello player. You can write complicated things, but not very very complicated, I don't really have time to practice a lot. Please excuse me for it! What I can give The works I like the most I will perform (sooner or later). I would like to have some solo concerts until spring, because organizing a solo concert is much easier, than anything else. Also I can make recording in my home studio if you want, is less work, then playing on a concert. :D If you have any questions, please don't be shy! And you can write it here, to help the others. Also if you're interested, please write! I would like to know, if anybody is thinking about my idiot ideas :D My e-mail address: gollam12@gmail.com. Please use the subject option in the mails, because I get many emails during one day, and I don't want to miss any of yours! Good luck, have fun! Marcell Magyari
  4. Wonderful! Thank you very much, guys! Please, keep uploading, I'm still waiting! :) And if you have works for two pianos, please send them too! Also you can write new works too, we are not in a rush. Just please take care of the difficulty :)
  5. Hello guys, Please excuse me for not replying for a while, I had some health problems, but now I'm okay. I have a cello concert next week, I chose a work from Trevor Holden, a user of youngcomposers to play on it. After it, we make a Philip Glass concert, around February. After it, we try to make a contemporary piano concert, as I could see, that you wrote many pieces for piano solo. So if you have ideas for solo piano, four-handed piano or two pianos, go for it now! :)
  6. Hello guys, Sorry, I wasn't here for some days. Thank you for your works! I saved everything. In this month, I try to make a solo cello and cello+piano concert, because I have many pieces for that! After that, the concerts are still flexible. We keep in touch!
  7. Thank you guys! I will collect every ideas this month, and check all the works next month with my pianist friend. After it, I will answer all the suggestions and questions :)
  8. I really like these works! Unfortunately our viola player is very busy, so the string quartet is quite difficult to organize, but I will see, what can I do. If he can do it, we try. :) Your piano work is quite hard for me :) But I will try to learn some parts of it, I really like the first movement. Or if I can get a very good pianist... :) We can perform tonal things too :) Don't force the style, just write something good. For example a flute+violin+cello trio? Or a duo for flute and cello? :) What do you think? And one idea: okay, don't write atonal. But you can play with tunings, for example! The cello sounds very nice with the C string tuned to A or even G! In the end of Nomos Alpha by Iannis Xenakis the C string should be tuned to a one octave lower C! :) Think about that! We are more interested in chamber music, so go for your quartet! :) If you write cello in it, please be careful with the piano part! I don't have a random Hamelin in my sleeve :) To everybody: Naturally, duos and trios are quite easy to organize, there can be difficult parts too (and extended techniques for the cello or the flute). Quartets and quintets are a bit more difficult to organize, but if the piece is not a virtuoso concerto for every member, we can do it with lesser rehearsals, and they would play it with more pleasure. Unfortunately I don't have the string quartet now, which had constantly 1 rehearsal per week.. With that, everything was possible.
  9. Hello composers! First of all, sorry for my bad English :) I am a Hungarian young composer, and contemporary music performer (cello/piano). I made several competitions for you, to write a pieces for me/us, and I/we perform the winner piece. Now it's not a competition, it's a continous connection between you and us, so that's why I made the topic here. I hope you will like my idea. So here it is: There is an ensemble called Cluster Music Factory. Actually, it's not a real ensemble, because we don't play all together on concerts, but we work on many pieces in different parts, and if something gets ready, we perform it - that is the reason of our name. :) We played Philip Glass' String Quartet, Steve Reich's Different Trains, some works from some of you, Ornstein's Cello Sonata, John Adams' Hallelujah Junction, Ligeti, Penderecki, Lutosławski, etc... We are not professional musicians but we try to make our things in a very high level, and we are interested only in XX. century and contemporary music. I am the main organizer of this thing, and I am the music director too, as I have the most experience in contemporary art. We started to make a Concert Series of Contemporary Music this year. Till 2013 summer, I would like to make 4-6 concerts. On each concert, we would like to play 3-4 shorter, or 1-2 longer chamber pieces from amateur young composers. Of course, we don't have time to perform everything, so for the first time everybody can suggest max. 2 pieces, choose wisely! Very important: we would like to make concerts with solo, or smaller chamber pieces, so the maximum number of performers is 5! The duration of the piece can be max. 20 minutes. (We have to give time for other pieces too :). And now, the available instruments: Soprano voice (0-1x), flute (3x), clarinet (0-1x), violin (3x), viola (0-2x), violoncello (2x), piano (2x), trumpet (0-1x), horn (0-1x). We have other instruments too, but they are so busy nowadays. Maybe in a few month, they can do things too, I will wrote about that later. Where I wrote 0, it's a bit harder to organize, beause of their timetable. So the main instruments are flute(s), violin(s), violoncello(s), piano(s). Mainly I play the cello and the piano pieces, but my piano knowledge is limited. Please check my youtube profile, I play piano there, if your piece is not much harder than those, I can perform it easily: http://www.youtube.com/user/Gollam12?feature=mhee . Of course with enough practice, everything is possible :) The style is free, we can accept tonal, and atonal works too. But if you ask me, I vote for atonal works :) And one last, but very important thing: we really like to make world premiers :) So unperformed pieces have advantage. If we dicide, that on the next concert, we perform your piece, we start to discuss things with you. Of course we are in Hungary and it's not possible for us to go to an other country, so we make it online. I will always try to manage the video recording of the concert, it has around 95% chance. But if I'm not successful, we can make a normal recording too, but not in a studio, that's very expensive here in Hungary... So, if you're interested, please write a comment here with your ideas and pieces. If you have something to send, please send it to my e-mail address: gollam12@gmail.com So that's all! Go for it! :) For those, who wrote entries for my solo cello / cello+electronics competition: I didn't forget your works :) For those, who I said, that their piece will be performed by we, will be. In December/January, I will make a contemporary solo cello or cello+piano concert, I will write a mail about it in around November. Take care! Marcell Magyari Cluster Music Factory
  10. Okay guys! The competition is over and here I am to tell the results! There were 5 entries in 3 music styles. I am very happy, that you sent so long pieces, two of the pieces are over 10 minutes in performance! I will write a short comment on every piece. The winner of this competition: Daria Baiocchi - Sospeso (per violoncello solo ed elettronica) I really like this piece. I don't really know, how can it be precisely performed, but I would like to try. I like the strange effects in the electronic accompaniments. There are some very difficult parts, which I don't know, how can be performed, yet (measures 63-70 always changing between arco and pizz.). Congratulations, great piece! There are two other pieces, I will perform once for sure. Robert F. Beers - Four Apologies (for solo cello) It's a great work too, but there are a few things which I would like to suggest some changes on. First of all about the clefs, and it's for everybody! Using C clef is very nice, it's very useful. But don't use the very low part of that clef, because on the D-G-C strings violoncellists like to play in bass clef! In higher register you can use the treble clef, it's very comfortable to read for the violoncellists. Also, everybody should take care of the double, triple and quadruple stops. A triple or quadruple stop can't be sustained, it's not possible Also take care that a third or second pitch interval is very unconfortable on cello. Of course it's playable, but not in a scale! For example, Robert, measure 174 and 184, I would play it with the open C string and A on G. The same notes, but better sound, I think. Think of it! Trevor Holden - A Meditation on Life and Death (for solo cello) There are some great ideas in this piece, but there are many mistakes in the score (yet). First of all, in measures 146 and 158, the type of the clefs. Those should be treble or C clef instead of viola clef.. After it, you shouldn't write the staccato notation on every note, you may write it as an expression text, and we will play it like the same. Or just like in measure 69, of course, we wouldn't play that part tenuto, if the previous notes were all staccato notes. I like the middle part with the interesting effects! In measure 157 I don't really understand, what you want me to play. Maybe you should write it in details in footnotes. Again the tempo: Andantino furioso? That part is not slow anymore! Write Allegro or Presto there if you want that part to be played faster! Why the calando in measure 190? And lastly the diminuendo in the end: I would play a more crescendo, it would be very effective, I think. Think of these things, I think they are very important! There are two other entries: Nebal Maysaud - Cello Sonata (for cello and piano) Well, the task was to write a piece for solo cello or cello + electronics,because I don't have a pianist right now :) If you want to write a piece for cello + piano, the cello should be the upper staff in the score! It's important! Seems like the piano and the cello does not have its own function, the instruments play the same music. Vahan Luder Artinian - "Cello-quy" (for cello solo) I don't really understand this piece. Modern style is not about being inconsistent in melodies, or having many themes one after the other. Modern music (in my opinion) is about a very composed structure hidden behind the notes, on which the piece itself is built. Think of this next time. I'm sorry for those, who recognized this competition very lately. But I have an other competition for you: in this month your task is to write a chamber piece for Guitar and some instruments of my band (flute, violin, viola, cello, horn, trumpet)! Try yourself in that competition too :) Thanks for your entries! The concert will take place in Budapest, Hungary, in the August-November interval. I hope there will be a recording! Marcell Magyari
  11. Nobody wrote, that he/she needs extra time. There are 4 entries, if I count well, but I have to wait for one more day, because somebody sent only the mp3, but not the score. After it, I tell the results, and I write detailed comments on every piece, here :)
  12. "at minor 3rd is adding 2 octave and P5 (6th harmonic) at minor 3rd minus something is adding 2oct and a false 7th (7th harmonic) at Major 2nd plus something is adding 3 oct. (8th harmonic, the one I want)" these things are very unstable!! don't use them! Use the natural harmonics, and the 4rd fingering (what's written in your piece too) These high things are very hard to find in a sec, after an other non-natural harmonic. of course if the harmonics are natural, you can have a glissando between them. I don't know, if I understood and answered your question :) Cheers, Marcell
  13. about the left-hand pizzicato: for the open strings, it's quite easy, sounds good. it gets a bit harder if you have to play something else on other strings. if you want to have an other pitch.. the deeper the better on the string, because higher notes wont be audible, it would be more like a percussion effect. about everything else: you still have like a week, and if you want, we can expand it to June 10 or so. what do you think?
  14. Or write something like a variation to that piece for cello + prerecorded tape. Take care, that not everything can be played with prerecorded tape, what can be played live. (the solo starts to play before, or at the same time like the recording.. etc etc.) Or you can arrange it to solo cello :D
  15. I exactly mean 18th century's techniques, forms, chords, etc. For example some post-minimalist composers has a style like that (in my opinion even Philip Glass writes pieces in a neoclassic style, but it's just my theory :) ). Shostakovich's and Bartók's stlyes fit well to the program. Also if you want, you can think about prerecorded things. If it's not possible for you, I can do the prerecording in the summer. But it's just an option.
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