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Michael P.

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About Michael P.

  • Birthday 07/06/1992

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  1. I thought this was the second section? Would on of the other themes I wrote work if I were to just re-vamp them?
  2. ok. just for good measure here is the Finale version and here is a PDF.
  3. Ok, here's my first shot. lets see if I can get this right in under 3 trys. :toothygrin:
  4. Wow 1st link: :blink: :o that is terrifying!!! is it an actual piece? if it is I want to hear a recording or better yet see a video! 2nd link:Very informative, thanks!! its just the thing I need right about now too!
  5. Ok here's the other theme. I hope it is what you were looking for.
  6. Here is my fourth try at revising my original motive. I will get the other part of the homework up as soon as possible. Thanks Michael
  7. For lessons with Morigi Atonal Peice #2 revised theme 4 This isn't meant to be here. Can someone please tell me if it is possible to upload scores to this site without posting them? It would save me much embarrassment :P .
  8. Wow...um. I have no clue what I did but this wasn't supposed to be posted on the forum, just in my composition list. :facepalm:
  9. Ok it took me several tries but I think I have given what you've asked for. It was I a lot harder than I thought it would be. The first try didn't feel was very good so that's why I did 3 versions. Try 1 Try 2 Try 3 As for the questions you had asked. One of my biggest set backs as a composer is that I don't have any skills in developing what I've written, I know the theory behind development I just have a hard time putting it to practice. I would like this piece to be long enough for me to get the feel for working with a.)atonality and b.)developing and idea. When I first wrote this piece I was just playing around with atonality. Should I feel that I can create something from this I will let you know. Micheal
  10. For lessons with Morgri Atonal Peice #2 revised theme 3
  11. For lessons with Morgri Atonal Peice #2 revised theme 2
  12. for lessons with Morgri Atonal Peice #2 revised theme 1
  13. A piece I wrote using Schoenberg's 12 tone matrix. Atonal Peice #2
  14. The Sarabande for a Violin Suite I am writing. Sarabande
  15. Ok here's my 2 cents.... Never assume the 2nd's are any lesser violinists than the 1st's. What often happens is the 1st's get the pretty parts, the parts that look and sound hard but really are all for show. The 2nd violins, on the other hand, get the stuff that sounds easy but in reality is very difficult. I feel that the 2nd violins are a lot like basses....a lot of people take them for granted and don't realize how much they do and don't realize that if they weren't there the music wouldn't be half as beautiful.
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