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About Eddyster

  • Birthday 05/12/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    London, UK
  • Occupation
    Composer | Producer
  • Favorite Composers
    Richard Jacques, David Wise
  • My Compositional Styles
    Orchestral, Popular, Jazz
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Cubase, ProTools
  • Instruments Played
    Piano, Bass, Drums, Guitar

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  1. My first full-scale orchestral work in album format. Hoping for a European Space Agency sponsored gig later in the year! therosettasuite.space
  2. Not a bad start I'd say! Good chords and harmonies within sections going on. Things I might suggest: - orchestration: skipping straight from harsh horns to strings (like in bar 13) results in a harsh change of colour. (i don't know if you were aiming for that). Oboes and winds make for a nice changeover to strings if you want a smoother transition (just seems like it might fit the piece!). - strong melody: as i've said i really like some of the chord changes, but no melody catches me completely as yet. Just some tips i hope they help! Edd
  3. I'd just like to second that. Excellent point. You make some great points too, Matt. No one should be 'restricted' in any way when they write. Edd
  4. Wow guys - amazing and comprehensive responses. I am familiar with chords in the jazz sense - i'm a jazz e-bassist for live sessions (but i don't read onto the guitar, just ear playing), so I can recognize the chords pretty well (probably where my 'in ear' modulations come from - also from listening to too much beethoven, john williams, hans zimmer and the like). Also familiar with your standard I-IV and I-V modulations (although only discovered how they worked in the cpp way about a year ago by accident whilst listening to mozart!) Great advice about writing for small sections - i guess it helps you learn the capacity of the instruments too. I've used suspensions when writing pop music (but only subconsciously-usually because its easier than changing chord on guitar :) ) but thanks for that tip and reminder about using them in orchestral writing. The stuff about resolving dissonance was very helpful also! I guess its all about appropriateness. If theres any more I'd love to hear it! Thanks very much Edd
  5. Hey all I'm really trying to improve my writing using notes outside of the triad (i'm only talking harmonically not melodically). Where should I start? I have to admit I'm only a first year at university, and as such haven't done much study into composition yet. You can get an idea of what I'm writing like at my website (Edward J. Blakeley - Music and Sound for the Media Industry) and here. Most of my knowledge comes from my ear (I write what I hear in my head) as apposed to pre taught technique. I am learning though, gradually. For example I know that major 2nds and 9's can help make a peaceful melodic/romantic setting if used appropriately (sweeping strings etc). I know its a big topic, but is there any key advice you can give me? For example the track above (here) has virtually no notes outside of the minor triad of that bar/beat (except the intro). Its a tense, fast moving piece - what kind of dissonances fit that mood? Thanks and I hope I've made any sense at all, :P Edd
  6. QcCowboy, Thanks! I will bear that in mind for future posts. Edd
  7. This is a great piece! I love the piano lines you have going on, and some of the piano lines are just fantastic - I would love to hear them played live. And to then pitch it against the orchestra as you do adds to its speciality. Nice work!
  8. Thanks for the warm welcome rolifer! I will be sure to contribute as well as ask for things! Edd
  9. Hi all, My name is Edward Blakeley, i'm a young composer from the UK, and I am seeking criticism on all my pieces! I would be most grateful if you could listen and post your comments! Edward J. Blakeley - Music and Sound for the Media Industry My work is mostly tonal, and based in large audiences! Thanks!! Edd
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