Hey all
I'm really trying to improve my writing using notes outside of the triad (i'm only talking harmonically not melodically). Where should I start?
I have to admit I'm only a first year at university, and as such haven't done much study into composition yet. You can get an idea of what I'm writing like at my website (Edward J. Blakeley - Music and Sound for the Media Industry) and here.
Most of my knowledge comes from my ear (I write what I hear in my head) as apposed to pre taught technique. I am learning though, gradually. For example I know that major 2nds and 9's can help make a peaceful melodic/romantic setting if used appropriately (sweeping strings etc).
I know its a big topic, but is there any key advice you can give me? For example the track above (here) has virtually no notes outside of the minor triad of that bar/beat (except the intro). Its a tense, fast moving piece - what kind of dissonances fit that mood?
Thanks and I hope I've made any sense at all, :P