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About beau_rl

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  1. Hi guys, i am looking for some extra oppinions on a new song i'm working on. I wanted to get across a sense of reptitiveness which is at the same time racing. It's a bit different in terms of structure and general vibe, but I hope someone likes it I quickly threw the lyrics together and CANNOT sing so please overlook that. Also, could you also comment on the general mix, if perhaps the drums are too loud or similar? thank you heaps. 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download Extra Bones.mp3
  2. So i've made a new song. It's about a girl i knew when I was 16 and turns out she was a massive cat in heat. I've tried to make it disturbing, dark and compelling. If any one could take the time to have a listen, that would be awesome. I should probably warn that I swear alot and it has lots of sexually content, so be carefull if you are offended easily. It's called "skunk cat in heat" and it's at my myspace page: MySpace.com - Beau Kimber - AU - Electronica - www.myspace.com/beaukimber
  3. beau_rl

    new songs

    Cheers. Yeah, I did use it. It's pretty obcious hey. :S If I had a better voice I wouldn't have had to, but what can you do? I'm pretty proud of the piano in that song, thanks for the comment.
  4. No, you just have to enter the 3 letters it asks for at the top right of the screen ,and then wait 30 seconds and press the download button i think. I wish there was a better site for uploading songs?
  5. I have posted a better link, sorry for wasted time. Thanks for anyone who has a listen.
  6. thanks i'll fix that up
  7. Hello. I think is the most appropriate subsection for my song. This is my first song i've made using more conventional vocals. I'm happy with the music, but I'm having trouble listening my own voice, it's very awkward and hard to critique myself like this. I've tried not to use Autotune on this one :w00t: I am curious as to what others think about the appropriateness of the melody, and the pitch, etc. If anyone would be happy enough to give me some advice on how to improve them I'd be very grateful. At this point I'm just thinking about turning the vocals right down, so I don't have to deal with them, but I know I shouldn't. Thank you heaps. MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
  8. beau_rl

    new songs

    Hello everyone. I have put some songs onto my myspace music account. I'd like to hear what someone thinks. The address is MySpace.com - Beau Kimber - AU - Electronica - www.myspace.com/beaukimber I made them using Cubase SX and am unsure about song structure. Thanks for any comments.
  9. Sorry to bump this, but I just wanted to let you guys know that my song was recently a featured song on "Triple J Unearthed" in Australia. Thanks! xo :w00t:
  10. Thank you very very much
  11. Thanks very much everyone. I think I will start trying to compose more orchestral stuff. Also, in reply to Annon, with electronioc music, I don't spend much time at all tweaking the preset VST intruments that come with Cubase for my music. I could also, like you said spend a bit more time working on parts. I think I have got in a bad routine where I find one good theme, then make crappy support tracks for the theme, and then leave it. I have one question. How do I know which alterations to synths, (such as filters, cut-offs, and the sound itself, etc) would work for a paticular type of music. I have trouble seeing how a basic square synth would work in a certain situation as opposed to a saw synth. I hope that makes sense. Thanks again for all your replies, you have raised my composing confidence.
  12. Hi everyone. I'm sick of my songs being "Okay." I want them to be good. If it's not too much trouble, can some of you visit www.myspace.com/beaukimber and listen to the song "Ethertonic" and tell me how to improve it? I made it using Cubase SX and recorded it from my keyboard and microphone. It's meant to be an uplifting, slightly-ambient piece. Sorry, but this song is as good as I can do, so I need advice on how to improve. Maybe I should learn to sing? Anyway, thank you in advance.
  13. Here is a song i made which i like alot. It is a change from my usual experiemntal/ electronic (attempts at) music. It is the last song ("Epic Skank") on my myspace music page: www.myspace.com/beaukimber I made it using cubase, and i imagine it in a movie. I would like input as to how i could improve it. It is the first one i have ever made like it. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!~
  14. Hello. All the songs I have composed so fatr have not had melodies, just been ambient or experiemntal pieces. I bought a compsing book and it said how important a melody is and that you should write the melody before anything else. The book said that a good melody is one that has the right balance of tension and resolving and predictablity and unpredictability. I have been trying for ages to think of a catchy melody, but nothing original comes to mind. Also, how can a melody possibly be catchy before the other parts make the song good? Also, how do you people create a melody and think "this is a good melody" without having any other music to make it good?
  15. Thank you for taking the time. Do you have any suggestions as to how to make the song less repetitive? I want the piano part to still constantly repeat, so I'm in a paradox.
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