I have to do this stuff for a concert coming up. We're doing a piece called "Past Life Melodies" by Sarah Hopkins. Its got me scared and I can't wait till its explained to us.
Ok. Well my new computer is sitting here in a box and its going to be installed Tuesday morning, so you all will have to wait to hear how horrible it is.
Well, I'm getting anew computer with in the next few days, so as soon as I have that and everything is updated I'll make the PDF files. Doesn't anybody have Scorch?
This is my first work in my opus 2. The entire opus, as it is currently planned, is going to be about 12 Latin A cappella works for SATB choir. I'm trying to work on the second, Salve Regina, but life has been getting in the way.
Tell me what you think.
Pater Noster.sib
This was my first finished composition. I wrote it a few days after a double reed festival that I was asked to attend. I personally don't mind the piece, but I feel like I have alot to work on to make my music better.
Any criticism is encouraged!
Double Reed Quartet.sib