Hello everyone,
This the first time that I am posting one of my compositions up on this website. I hope that you all enjoy my work and I plan to be posting more of it in the near future.
For this particular piece, Prelude, I used a bit of set theory. I started with the hexachord, E, F, G, A#, B, C# (0,1,3,6,7,9) and it’s complement and transposed inversion, A, C, D, Eb, F#, G# (5, 8, t, e, 2, 4), being used in imitative counterpoint. This can be heard between the viola and cello near the middle of the piece.
Next, I used the viola melody as the main theme of the piece which is later transposed up a tritone and other intervals. There’s a bridge between these parts which is ACTUALLY DIATONIC, but has no motivic material and a rather different mood than the rest of the piece.
Ok so that was my rant for those who might be interested… All comments are appreciated.
John Misciagno ? Prelude for Chamber Orchestra ? Free listening at Last.fm
Prelude PDF.pdf