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  • Birthday 10/06/1989

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  1. Are you Hungarian? ;) Just 'coz I am... halfway :) When I was in 6th grade here I never finished this book :( , though I saw the movie. I like the actual history of these events, but I wasn't really impressed with Gárdonyi. Your work, on the other hand is great. I think your use of the percussion is cool in the beginning, which, btw, i like best. After that, maybe you do use too much of it, but it isn't bad. But who knows... I hate this machine sound, wish I could here it played by a normal orchestra. Anyway, is this MIDI and GPO combined? I suck really at GPO so can't tell. Keep up the good work.
  2. Yea, and that is EXACTLY how I'd like to use them in my piece. Btw, I am never trying to imitate Bach or Mozart or the Baroque style or whatever, my music may have influences of all of them surely, but I agree with zephyrclaw. I think modern composers can surely break rules like that. :w00t:
  3. Can someone recommend a good book that deals with this sort of stuff? :P It would be really cool...
  4. What else can parallel octaves do? If I make a flute and a clarinet play the same tune, with the clarinet an octave lower, to produce an interesting timbre, is that bad?
  5. So perhaps a 3rd or a 6th can be unappealing to the ear while a 4th, 5th, or 8th is!
  6. Thanks guys! One more thing... if I am supposedly prohibited to use parallel 5ths because it doesn't bring in the harmony totally, then why can I use a 3rd or a 6th? I mean... OK, this might have sounded very stupid, but imagine if i use C and E in a way that doesn't bring out the harmony... is that allowed?
  7. Yes, there sure were parallel 5ths, but I kinda like them... and of course this is not absolutely baroque, it was just an influence on my style. I like thin harmonies etc. and use them quite a lot.
  8. Thanks! So for example, if I keep two solo instruments playing this tune, while perhaps one of the remaining instruments plays the missing 3rd, that will be within the rules of conventional harmony, I guess.? ;) BTW... I like thin harmonies which are perhaps a bit irregular.
  9. Hi everyone! I'm not so well informed but I have heard from lots of places now that using parallel 5ths is sort of 'not allowed'. Why not??? Is this ALWAYS true? Is it impossible to write music with parallel 5ths? I've had this tune in my head for some time and then I realised that it's made up of parallel 5ths. If someone can help me, I'd really appreciate that. Thank you! parallel_5.mid
  10. For this being his first orchestral piece, I think the orchestration is kinda cool. I myself couldn't do such stuff. I also like his use of those 8ths in the harp... except in the end part... I don't really like your ending, so I'm waiting for U to post the final version. From the beginning to about 2 minutes this is really enjoyable music, though, so congrats and keep it up.
  11. Nice.. I like your orchestration! Your melodies are also charming. I wonder how much time did it take you to write this piece... Good work.
  12. Hi! This is a very small string orchestral piece I wrote a long time ago. I was obviously influenced by Baroque music :P Its in rather fast-paced 3/4 rythm. It took me only 2 days to write!!!! But it was weird coz I wrote the first part sometime in 2004 and the remaining almost a year after that. Please comment!!! Baroque_style_piece.mid
  13. Thanks I appreciate your comments!
  14. Wish you'd extend it though :)
  15. Cool!!!!!!! I love Impressionism too, and I wish to learn to write music like that someday! I like your use of the whole tone scale, and I think it really is like "dreaming in the sky". One of the best pieces I've heard. Keep up the good work!
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