You can use six basses, look at L.D. Bell High School in Texas and at Bands of America. They use six. Also don't water down the difficulty of spots unless it is professionally impossible, which I don't hear really. A good high school will take up a challenge and rise to it. Nice Shostakovich quote around 1:30, reminds me of Phantom 1996, as well as Irmo HS 2001.
Okay, here we go:
The intro is very nice, I can see it coming out of a percussion feature or a ballad with these mallet movements. It gets pretty difficult in those spots. When the winds come in, I foresee a lot of visuals going on until low brass comes in, then it all begins to come together around 0:45 for the build to the hit at 0:56, like a faux-band front. Nice, but I kind of don't like how it goes down to zero again so suddenly for a closer. I guess I'd have to hear the rest of the piece. The snare solo up to the Shostakovich quote is a bit boring. Is there a theme to this show? I'm wondering where that quote came in.
You have quite a few builds to hits, but followed by dying down, only to build again which is giving me a false hope of a real huge hit several times. I like the dissonance build around 2:33. For the ending, I don't hear enough low brass, and to give it more of an effect at the hit, be sure you have low brass in octaves.
Overall it's good, I just am left with the feeling of "It's missing something", as if it's missing some sort of hit to bring all of the themes presented together.