So I go to music school at a university (composition major) and last night an arrangement I wrote was performed for the first time. I've been at school here for a few years and this is the first time anything I've written at school has been performed. I've done the college rock band thing and written and performed more than a dozen tunes that were performed regularly, but I didn't even read music back then.
Now I have this arrangement I wrote and it stressed me out quite a bit. I was really nervous about whether or not it was actually readable and playable. The arrangement is for 2 violins, cello and contrabass taken from a piano and 4-part vocal score (SATB). The arrangement accompanies the original score.
So the first time I or anyone else heard it was at dress rehearsal for last night's show (I'm in one of the two choirs that performed the piece), and that was really cool, until the end of the piece. The choir director let me write an ending for the strings in which they restate the main theme, and I offset the rhythm a bit for variety. I really wanted to hear that ending but when the strings came to it they couldn't play it, probably because they were sight-reading it and that rhythmic change is subtle but confusing. Also we performed Mozart's coronation mass so I think the strings were a bit preoccupied.
Anyway, the end was dropped and replaced with two measures of a C drone (the piece begins on a Bb drone) that fades out. Also 2 more violins were added to each part at dress. So I had to redo the ending and get those parts out to the director. Well i guess the players didn't get their parts until they were on stage and then scrambled to observe the changes.
So the performance went, alright. The bass missed the Bb drone (hit a B natural) on the first measure and played pianissimo the rest of the night. The bass part really makes the drone effect stand out, so I was bummed.
Anyway I learned a few things about dealing with performances and musicians and anxiety, and I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience with first performances going like this. I gotta get to class but I can put the score up if anyone wants to see it.