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About steffen31

  • Birthday 08/31/1990

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  1. Finally have a live recording. There might be updated recordings coming up soon for I am having this performed at Solo/Ensemble and there is still a lot for this group to fix. Enjoy! I am wild, I will sing to the trees, I will sing to the stars in the sky, I love, I am loved, he is mine, Now at last I can die! I am sandaled with wind and with flame, I have heart-fire and singing to give, I can tread on the grass or the stars, Now at last I can live! SoundClick artist: Elite Singers - page with MP3 music downloads Finale 2007 - [i am wild.pdf
  2. Hey this piece is good. There are definate glimpses of greatness lurking within it. The progression in m.27 and 28 seemed a bit odd to me. Other than that I thoroughly enjoyed it. Only other thing I'd say is get it out of C flat regardless of how uncommon it is, use its enharmonic key of B. Much easier to read then, but thats just what I would do. Sounds good, keep it up!!!
  3. Hi there. This is a good start and makes sense. My first suggestion is to add more staves to split the parts up depending on how you're going to voice this. Then thicken the texture by adding lower octaves in the bass and color notes (ninths, elevenths, fourths) in the tenor. That would be my frist thing. Oh, also find the enharmonic names and ways the structure the chords. That way they stay the same just how they look (flats versus sharps) changes. Hope this helped.
  4. Attach a PDF please, my finale won't open the file. Thanks!
  5. steffen31


    It's a stunning text. Absolutely stunning!
  6. I really liked the piece too! Sara Teasdale is an amazing poet and her poems are a composers dream, personally. I also was a giant fan of the 9th in the S1 part in the end. I always love notes that add color at the end. It's very well written. Awesome job!!
  7. steffen31


    Definately. Who is the text by? I never caught that.
  8. steffen31


    I agree with dvk on the genre of this song, somerwhere between musical theatre and art song. The text is awesome along with the way you told the story through the melodic line. The piano part definately adds too the artistic idea of this snowflake gliding downward upon these two skaters. Very cool!
  9. Hello, I'm new to this site/forum. I have written choral songs before for my choir. I draw my writing styles primarily from Morten Lauridsen and Eric Whitacre (as does most young composers I'm sure). I'm open to criticism and such. Let me know what you think! I am also a huge fan of Sara Teasdale's poetry and am also in love with this poem 'Joy' that I have set for SSAATTBB chorus! I am wild, I will sing to the trees, I will sing to the stars in the sky, I love, I am loved, he is mine, Now at last I can die! I am sandaled with wind and with flame, I have heart-fire and singing to give, I can tread on the grass or the stars, Now at last I can live! Finale 2007 - [i am wild.pdf i am wild.MUS I am Wild.MID
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