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M. Bulteau

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M. Bulteau last won the day on November 27 2013

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About M. Bulteau

  • Birthday 04/13/1989

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    Not born yet.
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    Keeping the moon from falling (I was promoted)
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    Music and theatre
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  1. I've been working on an opera project with some colleagues for a long while, and some of it requires custom notation. After much discussion, we’ve come up with notation for chromatic/atonal mordents pictured above. These would completely replace the classical mordents we know from the Baroque, since frequent use has made it necessary to always specify the interval at which the ornament is. I would like to know what you think of these, if they seem sensible and functional to you, or not. For vote-counting convenience, please VOTE HERE. If you vote no, please also explain why in a comment. Thank you.
  2. Thanks again, Austenite. I've solved my problem. This thread can be closed now.
  3. Of course! That's where I first heard her, from his piece Ramblings of a Social Network! :facepalm: That's what you get for asking a question at 4 in the morning.
  4. Sharon Rogers. Cooratura soprano. Fresno, California. Anyone know her in any way?
  5. Heh, I'm just posting here because you PM'd me, because I have to tell you I am terrible at this kind of things and I keep forgetting all sorts of rules of counterpoint because I frankly cannot care enough about it. I listen to stuff and if I like it I like it. Nothing more. If you still want me to say something about them, then the voices all sound great to me.
  6. I see Beethoven heavily influences you. I could hear some König Stefan in there, for example. Not in the melodies, because those are all yours and pretty good, but the orchestration and how you build phrases. Nice work!
  7. Haha! I do the same thing! The idea comes to me as I shower, and I keep singing it because I have no other way of remembering until I reach a keyboard. xD Very playful, and I agree that it sounds like a light Beethoven. I like your melodies, man. Keep up!
  8. It is a very strange piece. I am not sure of what to say of it, but it kept my interest in a weird way. By the way, you better make a new recording or correct the section at 05:06, because there's a huge windows error sound bursting through. It scared the scraggy out of me. xD
  9. You misspelled cowbell


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dirk Gently

      Dirk Gently

      I misspelled this, what?!?!

    3. HeckelphoneNYC
    4. ChsBt0ne


      ...dative of equine perspiration?

  11. Why should the first 18 seconds be thrown away? My little devil scherzo starts terribly "typically", and it doesn't make it worse. If that's what he wants as an intro, let him have it. Why should it ALWAYS be original? I think it works fine as a soundtrack. The war-like part is very powerful. Well done.
  12. Is that what they're calling it now?

  13. Like your p...............roblems.

  14. This isn't marchy enough. Add more sousaphones.
  15. Why didn't you link us to this one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIZLZYS1m1Q&NR=1 It's way better.
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