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About Ben_M

  • Birthday 08/07/1990

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Explorer (4/15)

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  1. thanks!
  2. Hey, what's the website url to the virtual music download? I saw it on here earlier and now i can't find it :S
  3. here's my question, great work btw, how does the software program allow you to get rid of bar marks?! There's so much music i've written that doesn't use "time signatures" (kind of like Messian's Qt for end of time) and the program is very restricting..
  4. yeah, I definatel agree ith you on the dynamics, but it's hard for me to write an emotional catchingpiece without hitting an FF somewhere!! Thanks for the responses, I really appreciate it.
  5. Here's an invention for piano I wrote. I've written four others but this one is by far the best and most developed. See if you can identify the motiff! If you want to see the others let me know... Here it is for Finale so you can listen, and I'll put it in a PDF too. Invention No. 5.MUS Finale 2008 - [Invention No. 5.pdf
  6. Hey, this is a Nocturne I wrote and it picked up a 2nd place award at Illinois' State Composition Competition. I wrote it in a rush to try and beat the deadline and it actually turned out kind of nice (and I've been told it has a Debussyesque feel). The piece should be considered "contemporary" in that it's development, rhythms, and intervals are not quite typical. I'll try and put up the mp3 of the recording, but if that doesn't work i'll throw it up on youtube. All criticism is welcome!! Thanks Nocturne No. 1 10-27.pdf
  7. ooo... and it took 2nd at the Illinois State Composition Competition
  8. Good start, w/ good chord changes. However, both rythmically and melodically the piece is extremely repetitive and is slighly boring, i.e. the trombone has basially only dotted half notes. But other than that good job, and don't be afraid to write difficult music!!
  9. Thanks for that. the reason for the tonal and atonal sections are as you mentioned for contrast. If you've ever listened to George Rochberg he does this, yet on a much more extreme level!
  10. Thanks so much for all your input! In regards to phrasing, this is the unedited version of my score; I edited it in Finale 2009 on a different machine so therefore I can only show you the non edited version. And the collisions are also a part of the non edited version. I surely wouldn't have won any awards if I wouldn't have included interesting phrase markings. However you will be able to hear the phrasing and dynmics once you check out the youtube video of the mp3! And in regards to extended techniques I tried to stay away from them for two reasons. 1. I don't play any string instrument and we don't have an orchestra at my school. 2. I wanted to use this piece to segue into more modern music... you'll see with more posts my more "contemporary" music. Thanks and here's the url: (it's being processed)
  11. oops... forgot to put the mp3 with it, but young composers won't accept mp3's so I'll put the you tube url up
  12. Hey, This s my first posted piece on the site. It's a string quartet that I wrote a couple of months ago. It's picked up a couple of awards and I'd like to see what you guys think. It is a contemporary piece, meaning it is "atonal". Please check it out. I have a pdf of the music and then an mp3 of the recording. Finale 2008 - [quartet 1.pdf
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