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Henk Vogel

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About Henk Vogel

  • Birthday 07/09/1992

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  • Location
    Leens, Netherlands
  • Interests
    Music, reading books, painting, etc :)

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  1. Hm.. 'File not found'
  2. Hm.. 'File not found'
  3. What a great movie! Dark, grumbling, grandiose and complicated. I love it :D And the music worked well, yes. It blowed me away.
  4. Well, I'd sing out loud the melody that popped up in your brain. Then it's much easier to know the 'right' tonality. Example: The lowest tone I can sing is a C (I'm a bass singer), so when I sing a new melody, I just take the tonic of that tonality and listen what the interval is to my lowest note ©. Probably not the most efficient method, but it works fine for me.
  5. I made new recordings with EWQL and Reaper, I hope it sounds better now. Still no advices for the 4th movement?
  6. I made new recordings with EWQL and Reaper, I hope it sounds better now. Still no advices for the 4th movement?
  7. I think the soundtrack's great, though I haven't seen the film yet. And that last track 'Time' ( ) seems to be a copy of 'Tennessee' ( ) from his Pearl Harbor soundtrack, instead of that 'Chevaliers de Sangreal feel'. But hey, what does it matter :innocent:
  8. Yes, but it's already solved. In the HP preferences are some dynamic options, that helped a lot. Marius, thank you for your help. Are there any free or cheap sequencers available?
  9. Hi, I have EWQLSO Gold for a few weeks now. Well, I want to record my first symphony for EWQLSO, but the dynamics for the strings do not work. All instruments work well, the strings stay at the same 'volume'. Do you have a solution? Thanks, Henk
  10. You mean the long repeat at the end? And thank you for the mark and the 'fun-to-listen-to-comment' I'll change that repeat perhaps, but this is just a small, unimportant piece
  11. Thank you! You're right, I forgot to reset that stupid GPO ambience reverb thingy.
  12. I tought, let's just write some baroque music. It's a choral prelude for Psalm 33. This is not a real organ, but Hauptwerk's St. Anne's (Mosely) virtual organ. These are the stops I used:Swell: Oboe 8', Clarinet 8', TremulantGreat: Lieblich gedackt 8', Dulciana 8'Pedals: Octave 8', Flute bass 8'This is of course not a very 'original' or progressive piece, it was just fun to write :). Psalm 33 (choral prelude)
  13. Ok guys, I renewed my 4th movement totally, it's still not finished, please comment :thumbsup:
  14. I'll check your first movements! I uploaded a new 4th movement, which is still unfinished. And thank you again! :)
  15. Thank you! Is your symphony on YC? I'm working on my 4th mvt, but I'm rather busy with school exams right now. I'll finish it this summer I hope! Good luck with your symphony!
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