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About musicman15

  • Birthday 12/04/1989

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  • Location
    Vandergrift, PA
  • Interests
    Marching Band, Jazz band, Symphonic Band, Marching Band Competitive Drill Design, Community Band, Improv I. & II., and Music Composure/Arranging.

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  1. I agree and have you noticed that there is a big difference in the sound of an old RPM than when you hear a CD now a days. Records almost sound live and the imperfections make it sound more live while CDs almost have a synthetic tone with the digitally remastered stuff l8ly.
  2. Damnit I know i am a bad speller! I dont have an effing dictionary handy. And its tamber.
  3. I am not an idiot. Did you think i didnt know music was vibrations. You are the idiot Define tone, noise!, tamber. They are completly different and i bet alla computer produces is noise. :laugh:
  4. Define the world noise, then define the word tone, than tamber and i'll get back to you. Noise is no more than racket or something that is agitating. (of course some music is noise like rap and hard rock) But define the word tone and tamber and i'll get back to you. And ou call yourself a musician? :laugh:
  5. And you call yourselves musicians? Music is an art form that you and only you can play. Like I said a computer has one rendition of music and that is it. Computers don't know how to do anything they do what they are told. But, a computer could never communicate a piece with the quality of a human. Computers have a very flat and almost undesireable sound. They can not communicate the resinence(i know wrong spelling) of what a person can do, come on use your brain. A computer is far from a valuable tool for musicians, if you write something on it, it is basically just an outline, like any other score. Though, if you take to listening to your computer for dynamics and mechanics and such, you are wrong because no computer can ever interpret music like a group of professional musicians or for any matter anybody!!!
  6. Like 2+2=4. Who would have thought.lol..
  7. you would not have music without thought and emotion. Thought goes into making music as does it to interpret what is written along with emotion. I would'nt play a piece them same way as you because i would interpret it different. 1 million ppl, 1 million interpretation. 1 piece of music, 1 million computers- 1 interpretation. Why? because our emotions go into the playing of our music whether we think of it or not.
  8. TAMBER! (musicman, one who does not give a rat's donkey on how to spell sometimes.)
  9. One word for you Tamber. It is impossible for a computer to incorporate tamber into the music.
  10. My marching band actually did a Pat Metheny Show.
  11. Humans can not put real emotion or thought into music and that is the basis of music.
  12. What exactly is the definition of atonal music, imean it seems so diverse???
  13. Flute and tuba are actually two of the most hardest instruments to play, along with piccolo. They are require an insane amount of air. It is not hard to start playing either of these instruments but it is very hard to master the airflow and such.
  14. Wow I never thought Austin would turn down an argument, guess I was wrong........"as he is trying to accept that he was wrong....." :)
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