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About Maksymilian

  • Birthday 04/19/1993

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  1. Wow, this was seriously good. As an avid Mahler fan, I can say that a lot of this sounded very Mahlerian, which is fantastic. But what's really good is that this piece still sounds distinct and personal to you, not just an attempt to copy Mahler, which I really like. Amazing job :)
  2. Ah ha, very true! I hadn't thought of that! Maybe I should ponder some similarly ambiguous title
  3. Thank you, that point about the oboe is really good to know, I'm not a woodwind player so I don't know these things. And I had no idea that a trill on a snare drum doesn't strictly mean a roll, that's really good to know too! I kind of agree about the title, I'm no good with names but the system of course demands a title and 'A short piece for a mixed ensemble' kind of seems like the cheap way out!
  4. I would say Bach, except technically he didn't write any music for the piano. So putting that aside, Beethoven.
  5. Wow, this is really neat! My feeling, although this might have been the effect you were trying to create, is that having each section repeated 8 times got too predictable, and it might be nice to mix it up and add, for example, a bar that repeats 7 times, or 9 times, or 3 times, or something. I really liked the middle section where you kept shifting the accent, but again I'd love it if the number of repeats changed. The ending was really sudden though, it feels like the piece should fade out just as at the start it faded in. I don't know, overall it was great though!
  6. Hi everyone! I decided the other day that the 12-tone technique would be quite fun to play around with, so I decided to write something for an odd combination of oboe, solo viola, contrabassoon, snare drum and piano :D. Naturally it sounded a bit odd, but it also kind of reminded me of some windup clockwork doll trying to dance (that could just be me). Opinions and thoughts and criticism would be nice, I've never done atonal 12-tone writing before but it was quite fun. :DEdit: for some reason it has come up as poem setting and neo-classicism and I can't get rid of the description... I don't think it fits either of the descriptors Clockwork Dances
  7. Nice piece, I especially liked the interesting harmonic twists, gave a lot of interest to what could have been an uninteresting theme! Just one thing about the orchestration, as a trombonist I tend to notice that many pieces on this site have the trombones in quite a low register, and this piece is no exception. For a really nice sound the top part should probably be centered around the D above the stave (break this rule! It's just a guide...). Also, trombone harmonies tend to work best in open position, that is with large gaps between the notes. But ignore this as much as you like, guidelines are often broken for the best effect! Good job!
  8. Thanks everyone for the very kind words, and I think having a critique from a historical viewpoint would be very interesting and beneficial, so if you want to J. Lee Graham (if you ever look at this post again) would you mind pointing some of these out? I have a feeling the trumpet part may have too many accidentals to be played on a natural trumpet...
  9. I was listening to a baroque trumpet concerto the other day and I thought it'd be fun to try and write something similar, so I did! (although this is just the first movement) As an experiment I also wrote it all on manuscript paper and later typed it out in Sibelius to find out what it sounded like, which was quite fun :D. It's my first upload to this site, but any criticism would be nice thanks. It's also the first time I've ever written anything in a baroque style, and also use your imagination to realise the figured bass if it sounds a bit empty in places... Concerto for Trumpet in a Baroque Style
  10. Mahler Symphony No. 2 Shostakovich Symphony No. 8 (which not many people know :()
  11. I know there is Musipedia which can be used for a lot of tunes, but right now there is a piece that has been bothering me that I can't identify, and neither can Musipedia... Any help would be greatly appreciated - it has been bothering me for weeks. :( whatisthistune.mid
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