So, this is my first choral piece that I'm posting up here - it's really the first one that I'm particularly happy with. My choir teacher said that with a little tweaking (which I've done a bit of) she'd give it to our Chamber Choir to sing, so that was quite a nice compliment.
Anyhow, this is an acappella piece for SATB choir. The text is a Requiem, by Robert Louis Stevenson:
UNDER the wide and starry sky
Dig the grave and let me lie:
Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I laid me down with a will.
This be the verse you 'grave for me:
Here he lies where he long'd to be;
Home is the sailor, home from the sea,
And the hunter home from the hill.
Anyhow, I'd love any and all comments, critiques, and suggestions.
The Starry Sky.mid
The Starry Sky.pdf