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About darrell

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  1. Ahhh!! lol... speaking from the future, are we?
  2. Yeah, you're right. I don't have a MIDI keyboard. I don't even really know how to use this program... I just figured out how to add rests yesterday. :) I'll work on making whatever I do more realistic... I do fiddle around on the piano and get ideas, but I'm not great at taking my ideas and putting them on sheet music. I guess a MIDI keyboard would do the trick... It's not something I can invest in at this moment though... Thanks for your comment though. Question for you now.... when you write your stuff, do you just play it and allow the program to notate what you play or do you play the melody and then write harmonies underneath it?
  3. Wow. I love this. Keep up the good work! :wacko: P.S.: So far, your stuff has been my favourite. Maybe I take a liking to this genre or maybe you're just that good, but I can't stay away from your soundclick. Awesome!
  4. I actually started with one of Chopin's Nocturnes in mind. His started in a similar manner but then went out there. I don't know how to "go out there" yet... So how do you go about writing variations? That's one thing that's really stopping me... I wish I had a copy of music for all of the variations Mozart made to "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" Once again, anyone know of websites or advice on how to go about this?
  5. I know most of your mothers told you "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say nothing." but that doesn't apply here... So comment. :-D
  6. I found it... and I believe it's "Ped." in cursive (You know... for "Pedal"). I could be wrong...
  7. This is awesome. This really reminds me of the Nocturne's that the real Chopin composed. Good job.. I'd love to hear more.
  8. That was cool. I can't really give you any constructive criticism as I hardly know anything... but I enjoyed it. How do you do the pedal markings and such? I'm very new to Finale. I think I've had it for like a week.
  9. Thanks for listening. Maybe I will try to expand this... I'll wait for a few more people to comment on it before I go ahead and do that... I'll add other chords in there and I'll expand on the melody as well. Thanks again.
  10. I wrote this today after I got home from classes. It's very, very simple... I think I wrote most of it in like 20 minutes. It's only 33 seconds... Very simple bassline and melody. I figured I'd post it and allow you guys to point me in the right direction... My main problem, I believe, is not being able to take a theme and expand on it for more than 3 seconds. Can anyone give me a hint on how to do this or link to a website that explains this in a little detail? (BTW, I realized I've only used two chords. I really didn't spend too much time on this. I was mainly trying to fool around with notes outside of the scale... I'm a newbie to composing. I'm in my second semester of Musicianship at my college) minipiano.MID
  11. He's def that lazy... ;) This piece reminds me of the other one you posted... The one you had written in science class.
  12. It was cool. I can't really explain why because as a composer, I'm pretty much knowledgeless. I'm studying theory but I can't really compose anything other than very basic stuff. Next year I'll be posting stuff once I complete my studies at this one school. I'm not sure if parallel 5th/8ves are a problem, but there are some in your composition. Meeh.
  13. I suck, and I must mention this every time I post, but here's what I do. I write a melody first... then I write a bass line with chords in mind. I might even write in figured bass for them. Then once I do all that, I'll go back and I write the harmonies in. I want to make sure that my melody is not formed by the chords, but that the chords are formed by the melodies. But I'm not a real composer, so don't listen to me. (Hey, look, it's a post in ternary form. suck-advice-suck :P )
  14. #3, but I only have a demo of Sibilieus... I'm not good enough (or rich enough) to go fork over the dough for any of those top-notch programs.
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