I don't know that's it's a particularly useful feeling, though. No one who creates anything consistently produces reliably "good" stuff. Edison certainly didn't and his inventing was every bit as creative, IMO, as composing music.
I remember reading some years ago that Stephen King, who certainly produces some pretty good writing, wrote every day because he wanted to keep himself in the habit of writing instead of getting in the habit of simply waiting for inspiration that might never come. Also, he said, in a round about way, that inspiration is frequently produced by hard work. I tend to believe that is true far more often than it's not. Writing regularly disciplines your mind to get on task more quickly (which, for an ADD-addled brain like mine is a real problem). That saves some valuable time, I'd think.
Fear is a big problem, but at this point in my life, I know I'm going to write some real stinkers. I also know that I'll write some good stuff, too. I take the stinkers with the good stuff, because that's just the way things are. You can't kick against the wind, right?