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Sherief Abraham

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About Sherief Abraham

  • Birthday 12/16/1983

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  1. please delete extra post by mistake!
  2. grtz, sorry for the very late reply. I didn't realize you replied to the thread until now. Thank you so much for checking the firebird. It took two weeks to make it and self doubting my self and redoing parts. thank you again for checking the music!
  3. Thank you guys for hearing the music! I use Logic and east west libraries, vsl For some strings. How do i do it? well I study/over listen the real instrument and how it sounds with its ways of execution. You just pick all the little details and then pick your samples that mimic those and off you go. Sometimes my 1st violin line can have upto 10 different sounds from different libraries. from staccato to legato to trills to accent legatos. I usually end up having something like 90 tracks for each music, although the firebird score only had something like 45 which was low for my usual. thank you guys for listening!
  4. Wendell.R.F.93,Volt,MMarques,Joshua Luty, thank you guys so much for your encouragement! your words touch me and i'm deeply appriciate of you guys listening to it! Doovongeman, Thank you so much for taking the time to find those names. i went on pursue but so far no contacts. especially with roy disney who is very big. I will keep trying though! thank you so much!
  5. You should separate the music so we can listen to it separate. the dialog was distracting and not very interactive. good composition though.
  6. thank you dude! I'm glad it pleased you!
  7. Thank you sir! this is all samples! and thank you for your very good suggestions! :) Ron, thank you for listening! I used EWQL Gold and vsl string librarys plus some other librarys as well. I will be uploading a large version of this to my website so that will take me the night, tomorrow i will make a version with no audio and pm it to you. will probably take a while to upload as well. or, you can just go to youtube, its all there with the Stravinsky score of course. Marius! thank you so much for your complement! I would love to send this to Disney producer's as well. the question that I don't know is how to find them! if you are willing to share that valuable knowledge with me, i will very much greatly appreciate it! thank you again for listening!
  8. hello friends, So I decided to score the fantasia 2000 Firebird segment with my own score for training/learning and because the imagery is just too beautiful to pass. I got very curios how I would do. Structurally, I had to acknowledge all things that were acknowledged by Stravinsky's score mostly in the same manner and I did a lot more acknowledgments that weren't in the original score. I'm so used to it now that I'm not sure how I did so I'm counting on everyone's opinion if it works or doesn't! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rig6C3_RSx4 I hope you all enjoy it!
  9. Thank you so much! and I'm very sorry I didn't notice your reply! My absolute fault! thank you for your encouragement! It means a lot that I know you people enjoyed it! I do hope to work on more space inspired music. If anything I'd wish to discover a new tone that redefines what space means in music! of course that might take me 40 years but I will work hard at it! I'm making good progress on the score. hopefully I will post something soon! THANK YOU GUYS for encouraging me to finsh it!
  10. I didn't realize you guys were still posting in this thread! sorry for being so late to reply! Unfortunately I had to put it aside because I had to take some jobs to support my self. I will eventually finish it though. Some of the instrumentation is different from the mock up due to what a real orchestra can play and can't play. maybe that's why I lost interest in it. but If i know that you guys are still interested. I shall do my best to finish it for you all!
  11. I like his 5th, one movement out of the 6th, entire 7th and the awesome powers of his 9th.
  12. excellent! i enjoyed it very much! good job sir!
  13. I enjoyed this music very much well balanced and very colorful. Thanks for sharing!
  14. Oops sorry about the late reply! i thought the thread was dead. Thank you for listening. I agree with the homogeneous comment for the version you guys are listening too. Hopefully the updated one will solve that problem. I love to over do vibrato on certain execution of strings. Your pretty much right though. A non vibrato sample string even in the best librarys doesn't sound very good.
  15. Thank you for listening sabiansoldier. I pretty much feel the same, that the ending needs a a boost and that's where I'm focusing on right now. Thanks again for your feed back.
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